Usborne books need no introduction, especially not at our kbc facebook group where almost every parent has at least one book from EVERY SERIES! We can’t really remember how, but one fine day we all discovered the Usborne Beginners Series and everyone’s jaw dropped – at the variety of topics and the price! The topics cover everything from insects & reptiles to birds & animals to nature & natural disasters to food & the human body to modes of transport to ancient history! There are over 65 titles in the Usborne Beginners series and we discovered this fact when we read the back cover of one of the books!
The big reveal happened when everyone received these beautiful, hardcover books with glossy pages and started posting pictures of their hauls along with mini reviews in the facebook group. We’re sharing some of our kbc members’ collection images, some inside pages to give you all a better idea, and some reasons WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE SOME OF THESE FOR SURE!
These books are ideal for 4-8 years, but we have many of our #kbcchildoos are avid non fiction readers, who have enjoyed pouring over these books since they were 3.5 years old 🙂

In Amardeep’s words:
These Usborne beginner readers are perfect books to dive into a topic in greater depth and get introduced to some amazing facts. The photographs are comparable to National Geographic, and the text is very age appropriate. I found the book to be very balanced in terms of text, pictures and facts. It held my antsy 4 year old’s attention very well. Appropriate to be read out to 3.5 years+, excellent for kids who are just beginning to read independently.
Achira has two boys – 4 & 8 years old and this series has worked well for both of them! To quote her:
I am huge fan of these Usborne beginners books for three very simple reasons –
1. They are short and the content is crisp with beautiful illustrations.
2. These books are for specific topics which is like breaking a broad topic into smaller pieces. So one can pick and choose a book on their are of interest.
3. They are super affordable!
Recommended age for these would be 4 years+.
Here are some of the remarkable Usborne Beginners Books:
Why do we eat? This is a common question curious pre-schoolers ask and this book has the right answers! Thank you Divya for sharing the inside pictures of this must have book!

Dinosaurs (very popular with our #kbcchildoo members)
Spiders – Amardeep has this one and in her words:
There is nothing that excites my child like spiders. He will pick reading about creepy crawlies, bugs, reptiles and even sea creatures, over a funny book any day. So, he was beyond excited when we received these books!

Bees and Wasps
Caterpillars and Butterflies
Under the Sea
Seashore – Amardeep has this fascinating book!

How Flowers Grow (this one is very popular as well!)
Shipra, who has at least 7 of these books says they are,
Easy to read and understand plus affordable!

Mahima has 5 from the series. Her 5 year old son Aarav is fond of all things insects as you can see!
And some more in the series….
Egyptians – Ancient history can be fascinating to read and learn about provided you have an exciting book to hook you in! This one is exactly that add then some, says Asha, our kbc founder. In her words,
Seeing all the attractive visuals coupled with crisp information, I just had to get one for MYSELF, even though my child is a teenager! The book includes everything from their life to kings, gods & goddesses, making a mummy (this is my favourite part!), to the giant pyramids and even dressing up. There is a glossary at the end. I wish I knew about this series when my child was younger. Such books are packed with easy to understand information that makes learning fun and permanent. It adds to their knowledge and equips them better while studying these topics in school. I have started gifting these wonderful books to our kbc members!
Like we mentioned before, There are many more books in this series, here are the rest of them!
Shout-out to our 14yo Intern-In-Residence (Aarini – The Chief Childoo) for posting this.
[Note from Team Kids Book Café: For your convenience, affiliate links (MARKED IN PINK) to some of the book titles & images have been added to enable you to buy the books from AMAZON, should you wish to! A very small amount of money comes to when you purchase a book via the amazon affiliate link provided (at absolutely no extra cost to you!). Do let us know if you need information about other children’s books by writing to]