asha chaudhry
founder & chief community officer
community builder | writer | traveler | foodie | mompreneur | beach lover | shell collector | zumba enthusiast | film-art-lit fest junkie | music, movies & mojitos are always on her mind…

Asha is a communications professional with two decades of experience across advertising, filmmaking & marcom. Since 2011, her focus has been on online community building & community engagement, content curation & creation and social media. She has co-founded TheRodinhoods – one of India’s first startup communities. She is passionate about building communities, keeping them engaged & relevant, making them inclusive & purposeful. She also mentors younger community builders.
Asha believes in the power of many and the power of sharing.
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prajyot mainkar
chief geek
Prajyot is the founder Androcid Media, Chairman of IT & YEF at Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry and has nearly a decade of IT experience. Fondly known as the Android ninja of Goa, Prajyot specializes in mobile app engineering. He’s a geek-first entrepreneur who is passionate about building new ideas. He writes on all things tech and has a dedicated weekly column in The Navhind Times. An enthusiastic speaker, he has delivered more than 350 talks on mobile app development. He’s happy to code for coffee.
Tweet tech news to him @prajyotm
aarini arora
chief childoo

Aarini Arora aka #the11yearold #the15yearold is also the official photography/videography intern (paid in books!). She helps curate content from our facebook group onto the site. She enjoys reading humour and mystery (murder, the juicer) books as well as watching comedy and crime. Aarini loves noodles, listening to music and photography.
vinay arora
chief research officer
Vinay is a branding & creative consultant with three decades of advertising, direct marketing

Vinay reads EVERYTHING from finance to food, business to books, tech to travel, advertising to art and provides a constant supply of article links to the team on all things reading and books! He also constantly nudges both Aarini & Asha to read more!