The book revolves around the adventures of Siliguri – a talented young ghost and his human friend, Kachori – a ghostbuster!
Aug 092024
The book revolves around the adventures of Siliguri – a talented young ghost and his human friend, Kachori – a ghostbuster!
The story is about a boy called Gopi Chander. He is a simple and ordinary boy who studies in Primrose Academy. Gopi doesn’t have any friends and worst of all-he is being bullied by the toughest, meanest bullies on earth!
If I can get a book that will show my son another view on gender roles, then it really helps in broadening his perspective. That is why this mom enjoyed this book.
This book is about a young boy called Pinkoo, who aspires to be a pastry chef but this remains a secret dream as his father wants him to become a shooting champ.