Kushti Kid follows the story of Qainaat, a young girl inspired by the Phogat sisters’ story on the silver screen. Determined to learn kushti, she faces resistance when she tries to join an akhada.
Nov 182024
Kushti Kid follows the story of Qainaat, a young girl inspired by the Phogat sisters’ story on the silver screen. Determined to learn kushti, she faces resistance when she tries to join an akhada.
Shubha desperately wanted to be part of her father’s Chhau dance troupe. But the problem was that her father was only willing to teach Shayon (her brother) as Chhau was mainly a dance form performed by boys.
Do you think Bharathi can make his way to a ‘ladies only’-‘residents only’ ‘Kolam Kontest’? Read this fun filled book to know Bharathi’s high-risk plan and how close this can get him to his longing of winning a grand dinner for his parents.
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