Title: The Hidden Children Author: Reshma K. Barshikar Type: Paperback Age Group: 12+ years I won this book as a part of the #kbcSuperpowerContest. This was my story in case you’d like to read it.…Continue Reading
Oct 272020
Title: The Hidden Children Author: Reshma K. Barshikar Type: Paperback Age Group: 12+ years I won this book as a part of the #kbcSuperpowerContest. This was my story in case you’d like to read it.…Continue Reading
If I had a superpower It would be Timetravel. It sounds like a cliche superpower that most people would pick but there is a reason it is such a common want. Although it might seem…Continue Reading
Life on kidsbookcafe.com is getting more and more magical by the day! Presenting #kbcSuperpowerContest Ever dreamt of having a hidden superpower? Ever wanted to go to some place magical with your superpower? Ever wanted to…Continue Reading