Jul 272020

The Silent Night

A verse/poem that I wrote years back- sharing with you all! I created this watercolour to go with it… The Silent Night When the night is dark, beeeze so cold and the paths so vacant,Somewhere…Continue Reading

May 292020


Shimmering softly with its worldly glow, In life’s weary, subdued shores; Hope – a beast fierce and wild, Yet a free spirit – warm and bright! When spectres morose, darkened life’s cloudy sphere, Dark and…Continue Reading

May 042020


Thy eyes were pools of Stygian mists, That sparks of sentiment, did resist; Cold and ungiving – thy thoughts elapsed, Drinking the breath of damned souls ‘ready passed; Thou stood there watching my soul reaped,…Continue Reading

Apr 192020

To All Things New…

The diving roller eagerly leaped from the clutches of the sky, And settled upon a lush tree, with a carefree sigh; It moved down to a leaf, guzzling the Summer dew, And then with a…Continue Reading

Apr 062020

A Beacon of Hope

This cataclysmic epoch, like the rest shall pass, Transient woes shall wither away; Smiles will find its way back, through the downcast mass, Cheer again will run ablaze, as wretched grief shall allay; A warm…Continue Reading

Apr 022020

An ode to the migrant workers

They trudged along with tired steps, Steps that promised eventual death; Staring at the vacant horizon with wistful eyes, They saw their wretched fates sealed before their sight; Unquenched pangs rattled their bony frames, Decaying…Continue Reading