Mar 162023

Review: Passepartout, Is That You?

After all the animals have been sent to the centre, Shyam realises that one tortoise has been left behind! His Thatha tells him to look after it, while he goes to inform the animal centre. But, the tortoise, who Shyam names Passepartout, disappears!

Jul 142022

Want to Escape School with Sachit? [Review]

The Great Escape is about Sachit who wants to escape school because it is a beautiful day outside and there is nothing exciting at school of course. Ever heard about bunking off early from school? It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but Sachit is determined.

Jan 162021

Review: Loki Takes Guard

A cricket crazy girl, a twitter sensation and a wonderful writer. Put them all in a pot, stir three times, and leave it there. Because what you want is already in store: Loki Takes Guard by Menaka Raman!