During the pandemic books were read for all meal times, naptimes and even potty times. Ruhani’s most favourite time to read books is at bedtime where she will pick up 20 books.
Jul 062023
During the pandemic books were read for all meal times, naptimes and even potty times. Ruhani’s most favourite time to read books is at bedtime where she will pick up 20 books.
My children are never satiated by the number of times we read a beautiful book, one non-fiction book raises the bar for questions and that leads to us getting another book! It is heart-warming when my 2-year-old who just started saying her name could say ‘Boynton’ while referring to her favourite author.
Every page we read is a story – either an imaginary one or one she has lived. This helps her bond with the book and also helps retain that bond