Title: Rats Bigger Than Cats Author: Maegan Dobson Sippy Illustrator: Adrija Ghosh Age group: 3 – 7 years Type: Paperback with a Glow In The Dark Cover! A sweet suspense-thriller for 3 year olds! We…Continue Reading
Tag: karadi tales
Title: The Bookworm Author: Lavanya R.N Age: 5 – 8 years Type: Paperback A wonderful prize this book was for the #kbcBFF writing contest. Thanks to Asha and Karadi Tales. My seven year old and…Continue Reading
Book: Thatha’s Pumpkin Author: Lalita Iyer Illustrator: Proiti Roy Book type: Paperback Age group: 3-6 years First of all I thank kids book cafe for this lovely book which we won in #KbcKeepCalmAndReadOn Campaign. So…Continue Reading
Book: What Did The Monster Child Eat Today? Author: Sampurna Chattarji Illustrator: Vibha Surya Type: Paperback with fold-out flaps that reveal more surprises! Age group: 4-8 years Here is my soon to be 7 year…Continue Reading
*Part of Children’s Bookshelf on Amazon! Book: Farmer Falgu Goes On A Trip Author: Chitra Soundar Illustrated by: Kanika Nair Type: Hardcover Ages: 3-8 years What readers like about this book: This is a beautifully illustrated…Continue Reading
* Winner of the SCBWI 2019 Crystal Kite Award (Middle East/Asia/India region). Book: The Clever TailorAuthor: Srividhya VenkatHardcoverAges: 4-7 years It was like a trip to Rajasthan. The bright colours and the traditional dresses. So…Continue Reading