Why does it rain, what is wind, how does rainbow form, why does it thunder, how does lightning work….? The list goes on and on. This book is a perfect solution for answering all the questions.
The ‘brrr’s and ‘chatter’s of winter, the ‘buzz’ of the bees in spring, the ‘slurrp’ of a tongue on an ice cream, the ‘pitter-patter’ of raindrops and the vivid colourful sans verdant description of autumn almost transports you into that lovely scene.
This book covers three types of transport – Road, Air, Water. Lots of mazes, pattern, matching, sorting, coloring, searching activities are present.
Each page has rhyming text to describe the bird and its characteristics. So M now knows certain birds can’t fly, that the owl wakes up at night, that the hummingbird comes in various colors and can even fly upside down!
It is filled with cute illustrations and easy-to-read words that is just perfect to introduce jungle themed books for preschoolers.