The writer tells a captivating story of a young boy who grew up in extreme poverty and hopelessness, and of his eventual rise as a leader known as Bhagwan Birsa. He not only united all the Mundas, who referred to themselves as Birsaites, but instilled a sense of fear in the British so deep, that they had to gather all their forces to try and capture him.
Tag: biographies for children
Lavanya Karthik has beautifully captured the life of young Protul. His desire to learn the tricks was so strong that he managed to impress the then greatest magician of Bengal – Ganapati Chakraborty to be his mentor and teacher. And under his expert guidance, Protul became P.C. Sorcar who took Indian magic to great heights.
Every child needs a book that tells them to embrace their limited-edition features. Mamta Nainy has again won our hearts by celebrating individuality in “That Big-Voiced Girl”, a picture book for children to discover “How USHA UTHUP rocked her unusual voice”.
Ramanujan is part of the “Great Minds at Work” series from Duckbill. It shows a year in the re-imagined world of Srinivasa Ramanujan. Punny, and filled with riddles, this will delight your kid, regardless of whether they are averse or keen towards the subject.
From a very young age, Roshan had a different relationship with music. She could feel music in every sound that she heard. The story is about her love for music and her journey to win over her Baba to teach her music.
I was amazed to see how appropriately the author has packed details about Mahasweta’s childhood, her dreams, struggles, the social stigmas and her empowerment and finding social justice through words in just a few carefully chosen words.