The story begins with Priya on a video call with her grandparents – practicing for an upcoming folk dance performance. Thatha plays the tabla while Thaye and Priya sway to the tabla beats.
Tag: AdiDev Press
Once, when Phalke was watching a French film based on Jesus, which inspired him to create films based on Indian mythology and culture. To create his own movie, he worked really hard.
This book is about Dr. Aditi Pant who is an Indian oceanographer and was the first Indian woman to reach the Antarctic pole.
Title: Commitment With Bibha Chowdhuri Author: Pervin Saket Illustrator: Sahitya Rani Publication: AdiDev Press Type: Board book Age group: 4 – 8 years The book is about the forgotten legend, the physicist Bibha Chowdhuri, born…Continue Reading
In this book, the author has beautifully explained the different moods that a child often experiences. Sometimes they are very happy, sometimes they are angry, sometimes they are too excited and sometimes they are scared! These all are perfectly normal and we as parents need to understand that like us these little ones have their share of good and bad days but they can not always express them like us. That is where this book comes handy.