I peeped out of my window pane
And saw two young lads in the cold who lay
Bony, frail and sickened frames,
Writhing with hot fever, living on shallow breath.
I sat back with a deep sigh
Those pitless eyes fixated in my inward eye
I watched routed Mankind slip into Death’s full hands
Graves strewn with broken, uncared tears.
Passing souls fluttered in the realms of disease
People’s dying breaths seized the ailing breeze
Looking out again, I stared into their hollow eyes
Voids of dying love and accursed dreams.
I wept and wept at the bitter sight
Of rays of hope melt into the piling snow
Of Youth and Bloom dying by Pneumonia’s door
I finally, in the muddle of my tears,
gave in to my body’s aching cold
– Rehaan