Aug 042021
Review: The Super Side-Quest Test! (From the Press Start! Series)
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Book Title: Press Start! The Super Side-Quest Test

Author: Thomas Flintham

Publisher: Scholastic Inc.

Type: Paperback

Age group: 6-8 years (from publishers). 5-8 years as recommended by our kbc parents

ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Calling all gamers and adventure lovers, the game is on!

Meanie King Viking is taking over Animal Town with his new evil Mega Giant Super Robot who is more powerful than our Super Robot hero Super Rabbit Boy. The only thing that can stop Super Robot is the Mega Wand.

To buy and use the Mega Wand, Super Rabbit Boy must do a few tasks like capturing slimy slimes to earn gold, get batteries for the wand for which he must find a missing key and even get a pearl from a mermaid. In short there is plenty of action and adventure in the book.

The author, Thomas Flintham, is also the creator of Thomas Flintham’s Book of Mazes and Puzzles and this book has its fair share of puzzles that the Super Rabbit must solve during his epic quest. Amyra enjoyed reading the book and kept it down only once she finished it. We could even hear, ‘Go Super Rabbit, you can do it!’

It’s a lovely combination of a chapter book and comics. It is a fully illustrated book which uses attractive bright colours. The illustrations give you the feeling of being right in the middle of a game. Personally, I felt that I was in one of the Super Mario games!

I completely agree with the statement printed on the back cover of the book,

Illustrated early chapter books that grow readers!”

This book may be a good way of introducing children to the concepts of chapter books and comics. It may also serve a fantastic way of introducing books to our little gamers. In fact, I suspect, they will want to create their own adventures with Super Rabbit Boy, who is easy to sketch. Even I (am terrible with a pencil… just can’t draw) managed to draw something similar to our protagonist and Amyra took him on another adventure!

Children in the 6-7 years age group would enjoy this book. So Press Start and game on!

Amyra and Kanika

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