Jun 282019
Review: The Kane Chronicles
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Books: The Kane Chronicles

Author: Rick Riordan

Type: Paperback

Age group: 12-16 years

[Note: This review has been written by Siddharth who is 11 years old and posted by Priyadarshani, his mom who manages his online activities.]

Have you ever read a book or series that you want should never finish? Well, this happened to me with the Kane Chronicles.

This series is another masterpiece by the author Rick Riordan. This three-book series is based on Egyptian mythology with the… ‘Rick Twists’, shall I call them? It’s the story of a brother-sister duo, Carter and Sadie Kane, who discover that they have the blood of the early pharaohs and that they are Egyptian magicians. They learn the path of Gods which has been lost for centuries to channel their magic when two Gods select them as their hosts. In every book, the fate of the world lies in their hands when sometimes the god of evil tries to capture the world or when the snake of chaos breaks free and swallows the sun.

I am keeping the review comprehensive here, however, if you want me to do individual reviews with more fantastic details on each book separately, let me know and I shall oblige.

As you people know I love RR, but this was one of his best ones. With Percy Jackson, The Kane Chronicles is one of the best books he has written. There are many adults out there saying, “Ya, all of this is for kids. We read real mythology and all that.” Two things I want to say to them. One, try reading Rick Riordan or you are missing out on life, and two, there is no ‘real mythology’.

Rick Riordan is always good with his mid-tension humor but this book was so funny I laughed my head out, rolling on the floor. But not only was he only funny, he also explained the unfamiliar mythological places and journeys through the magical realm, the Duat (you have to read the books to find out what that is).

So, I give this series a never given before 11/10!!! It was really so incredible.

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