Dec 242018
Review: The Hueys in It wasn’t Me
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The Hueys in It wasn’t Me

Author: Oliver Jeffers

Hard Cover

Ages: 2-6 years

How do you solve an argument between kids without losing your mind?

Sometimes we mothers keep acting like referees especially when we have more than one child to manage.

I have tried loving explanations, gentle scoldings and even quiet time. The arguments keep happening whether it is with me or hubby or even his friend. The five year old has a tendency to argue and I understand it is bound to happen. It is the argument resolution that drains every ounce of energy I have.

In an attempt to continue my teaching the lesson of healthy argument resolution I got the story book, ‘The Hueys in It wasn’t Me’ by Oliver Jeffers. They Hueys are adorable characters and in this story a bunch of them are seen deeply engrossed in a heated argument. When one Huey asks them what they are arguing about, all of the are stumped and are not able to even remember the reason.  The same Huey diverts their attention and they all forget about their fight and things go back to normal.

The story gives a wonderful example of how fights can be so insignificant.

This for me was extremely important to teach my son. At his age (five years right now) he is really opinionated and everything is all about, “It was his fault, not mine. He was wrong.”  I searched some books for conflict management and I wanted to read this book to him to help him understand that at times Who did it, is just not important. Definitely, not more important than enjoying a moment together.

“Next time when you fight. Understand why, not who”, I end the story telling with a small takeaway lesson.

I recommend the book just for the lesson and the simplicity of how the writer tells his story. Plus the illustrations and the Hueys remind me of the minions. Other books written by Oliver Jeffers are How to Catch a Star and The Way Back Home. There is another book in this series called The Hueys in The New Jumper!

Oliver Jeffers has written many international bestsellers for children which can be found here on Amazon.

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