Book: Step-By-Step Drawing Book (Cute Farm Animals)
By: PepPlay
Age Group: 4 years onwards
My son ‘A’ started showing interest in art since the age of 18 months. I remember we got his first crayons when he was around 2 years old. He loved scribbling with them. Gradually scribbling changed to coloring and then to drawing. During this lockdown his love for drawing increased.
He loves drawing different illustrations from various books. So when he saw this Step by Step Drawing Book by PepPlay, he took to it like fish to water. The approach in the book is extremely systematic and with clear instructions, that A (4 years 7 months ) did not require any help from us. He could manage drawing different animals and birds on his own.
He not only learnt to draw different animals and birds, but also taught his grandfather to draw. His grandfather said he had not drawn anything in the last 30 years at least (must have drawn with me when I was a kid) and had a great time drawing with his dear grandson.

The binding and the paper quality of the book is very good, pictures are attractive and colorful. Instructions are clear and given in a step wise manner. A great buy for all art lovers. We are surely going to explore more books from this series.
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