May 142024
Review: Set Theory For Smartypants
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Book Name: Set Theory For Smartypants
Author: Anushka Ravishankar
Illustrated By: Pia Alize Hazarika
Publisher: Duckbill – An imprint of Penguin Random House
Type: Hardcover
No. of Pages: 40 pages
Recommended age: 6 years and above

Set theory as a concept is generally introduced to older kids 9+ yrs in school. I was unsure if my 6 yr old would be interested to learn this concept, but I am surprised – she took it like a fish takes to water.

The content by Smartypants is broken down beautifully into bite-sized chunks which can be easily assimilated by anyone. I wish we had these books growing up – it surely makes science sound so cool!

We have watched Viggo Venn’s comedy episodes so she was intrigued to understand that there is actually a Math’s theory based on the scientist name Venn. Based on her understanding, we made a finite set of her friends and then segregated them into Boys and Girls with Null being the intersection. All in all, we found the book to be interesting and a good platform to introduce set theory. Ananya loved how the cat set examples cited in the book.

You can read Achira’s review of GRAVITY here, Amardeep’s review of EVOLUTION here, Mona’s review of the Laws Of Motion here, as well as explore the entire Smartypants book series here.
NOW AVAILABLE IN AN ECONOMIC BOXSET OF 10! Science for Smartypants: 10 Books for Brilliant Beginners (Box Set) 

Rocket Science for Smartypants is another new release in this series. Amardeep has shared some inside pages here in the fb group. In her words, “It explains the parts of a space shuttle in very simple language, along with explaining what it takes to “escape” earth’s gravitational pull, and what makes satellites or shuttles orbit planets. It introduces some new concepts like centrifugal force, while making sure those concepts are explained in a fun and easy to understand way. Of course, the funny cat illustrations and quotes help too!”

If you enjoyed this review and wish to order the book from Amazon (kbc affiliate link),


Disclaimer: Pooja and Ananya are a part of the #kbcReviewerSquad and received these books as review copies from the publisher via kbc.

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