Book: Mimi & Soni discover Dussehra Legends
Author: Devika Joglekar
Type: Kindle & Paperback
Age: 4 – 8 years
In my family I have started a new tradition to incorporate books in our festivities. With the help of books like this one and Amma Tell Me About Diwali, I have been able to carry on my new tradition throughout the year.
‘Mimi and Soni discover Dussehra Legends’ was such a treat for my six year old. By now, we both have explored many types of books from hard to soft and pop up to lift the flap. Lately, we were reading the simple books because he has started to read independently. I was so delighted to read our very first Indian Comic Book to him.
“Wow, it’s like a superman book!” he shouted with such excitement.
Not only is the book an Indian comic book but it also tells the traditional tale of why we celebrate Dussehra. For the moral loving mom I am, books are my most important tools. I too learned about a new story about why in some cultures people give Apta leaves to elders on Dussehra.
The story is about two friends who are arguing about who will play the role of Ravana. The grandmother, Aaji, then comes to the rescue and tells them four intriguing stories about Dussehra. The first one is about Goddess Durga, second one about Lord Ram, third one on Mahabharat and finally the last about the sage Varatantu and his disciple, Kautsa. Every story had a gripping plot and lesson.
The illustrations match the story very well and add loads of color to the vibrant festival. A wonderful read it is.
Read more about the author and her other books here in an interview.
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