Jan 022019
Review: Let’s go home, little bear
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Book: Let’s go home, little bear

Author: Martin Waddell

Soft book

Ages: 2-6 years

An adorable bedtime story

For many nights Let’s go home, little bear was our customary bedtime story. My five years old loved listening to this story and looking at the pictures for many reasons. The main reason was his ‘I love bears’ phase. In this phase we read all bear story book like Big Bears Can (read review here), Momma Knows Best. He wanted me to read only about bears while he cuddled his teddy bear. And in this story a baby bear and a big bear on on their way home in a cold winter day. My boy became the young one and started acting like a small bear.

The two bears are off on a walk in the snow covered woods. The small bear is frightened by the noises he hears around. One time he hears big bears stomping on the snow and gets scared. Then he hears the sound of ice. Like that throughout the walk small bears stops at the slightest of noise. Big bear each time patiently describes what the sound is. Finally big bear and small bear return back to their cosy cave. Small bear is tucked warmly under a blanket and big bear tells him a story of their adventurous walk.

I found this book great to explain to my son about fear. I told him “Its ok to be afraid. But sometimes we are afraid for no reason at all. What we imagine is scary but the reality is not.” I gave examples of the story. At times my son gets a bit afraid of the shadows and the light from the window. I then remind him that there is nothing to be afraid of.

A nice book about a small bear and his fears. I recommend it for five years and above because they are able to understand the book and about dealing with fears.The story is just a tad bit lengthy for my son. But as a night bedtime story it suits us well.   

All of the other books by this author can be found here on Amazon.

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