Jun 062021
Review: Harry Saves The Ocean!
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Title: Harry Saves The Ocean!

Authors: N. G. K. and Sylva Fae 

Illustrator: Janelle Dimmett

Type: Paperback

Age Group: 2.5 to 6 years

Let Everyday Be Earth Day😊

This Earth Day, we did a few activities and read one of our favourite books among the many Earth Day books out there. It is through book and play, we can teach our little ones about Earth Day, and why we should help in keeping our Earth clean and healthy.

Harry Saves the Ocean by N. G. K. and Sylva Fae, Illustrated by Janelle Dimmett, from the international bestselling series, Harry the Happy Mouse, teaches kids about the various issues of plastic pollution, why it is a big problem and how it impacts our marine life and oceans.

When Harry the mouse goes off on a holiday to visit the sea, he finds a whale calling for help with a plastic bag on its head. That’s when Harry learns that the ocean is full of plastic and he needs to help the whale clean the ocean. So, he calls upon his group of friends to clean the ocean. Join Harry and his friends as they help clean up the plastic from the ocean and make the ocean clean and plastic free.

Avi really loves the illustrations and I loved the beautiful message that comes with this book. A good message as to why we should keep our beaches clean and that people around the world should work together to reduce the plastic waste in the seas and oceans.

We as a family have made three recycling bins, one for dry waste, one wet waste and one plastic waste like biscuit covers, milk packets and so on. Plastic bottles are used to plant something or used by Avi to paint something.

Teaching Avi small things like separating the waste, switching off the lights, turning off the tap when not in use, use both the sides of paper, planting seeds and watering the plants, are important for saving this planet, OUR EARTH😊

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