Title: Counting To Diwali – A Celebration In Numbers
Author: S. C. Baheti
Illustrator: Rohan Dahotre
Type: Paperback
Age group: 1.5 – 3 years
Counting to Diwali is a vibrant book that introduces your little one to the festival of lights – Diwali, teaching counting from 1-10 along the way. Cherry on the cake – it does so in English as well as Hindi!
The best aspect of this book is its simplicity. Through bright colourful illustrations, it helps your kid learn counting and also walks you through 10 different things to look forward to this Diwali.
It got my kid all excited about the bangles she will get to wear, the diyas that will lighten up her house, the sweets she will get to eat and the sparklers she will get to see! For a kid who knows nothing about the festival yet, this a good book to start with and to build up the excitement.
My toddler liked the Hindi words and kept asking me to repeat them again and again. I found it useful in introducing basic Hindi numbers and words and fostering her interest in the language.
So did the book help kindle my child’s interest in Hindi and Diwali? Absolutely YES!
However if your intention in buying this book is to learn proper pronunciations of Hindi numbers, this may not be the best bet.
The English translations for a few Hindi numbers are incorrect: 1 (EIK), 2 (DOH), 6(CHE), 8(AAHT). Against what should have been: 1 (EK), 2 (DO), 6(CHHAH), 8(AATH).
I, as a reader, could ignore this since I know the language; however someone unfamiliar with Hindi could easily end up teaching incorrect pronunciations to their child.
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