Title: Chaos in the Jungle and Other Stories
Author: Rachna Chhabria
Publisher: Ukiyoto Publishing
Age Group: 7-10 Years
The book has 16 stories about animal behaviour like how mice use their techniques to get rid of cats, Kavya the elephant who wants to be slim like the deer and the lizard which helps a class of students in their examination.
All the stories have a good amount of humour and excitement. I was curious to read the book as soon as I got it and I loved it! I really enjoyed the funny parts of the lizard climbing into the clock, Kavya the elephant doesn’t know that elephants are supposed to be fat and when Debby (rat’s younger brother) saves Benny (rat) from Misa (the fat cat).
My favourite story is Chandu.
Chandu the crow is always over-advising people and landing in a mess. This time he lands into a pot of dye and becomes a king!! But watch out Chandu, your fellow minister fox is eating all your servants and subjects!
Even though there are no pictures or illustrations, the book provides a good narrative of different behaviour and habitats of animals sparking your imagination.
The author, Rachna Chhabria (of the Festival Stories Through The Year fame) has 3 other new releases!
The Giggling Girl for 3-6 years
Buddy the Scavage for 10 years+ (slightly older would be better)
50 GREAT INDIANS: Extraordinary Lives, Inspiring Tales for 13 years+
Disclaimer: I belong to #kbcReviewerSquad and received this review copy from the publisher.
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