Book Title: Adventures of Samara and Alphabet: Saving the Birds
Author: Priyanka Agarwal Mehta
Publisher: Sam & Mi Books
Type: Thick Paperback (Non-tearable)
Recommended Age: 3-6 years
Pages: 32
A green bird had built a nest on the top of Alphabet’s (the elephant) head, while he was napping. It looked like a crown on his head. When Samara saw the nest, she noticed there were three fledglings in the nest. Mother bird had gone to get some food, and it then became Sam & Alphabet’s job to save the little babies.
Sam & Alphabet need to protect the beautiful green fledglings from the attack of an eagle, for she is hovering over Alphabet. The nest cannot be brought down either, for the birds may become prey to snakes or rats. While Sam & Alphabet are trying to mull over various options, Sam’s friend Kai comes up with the perfect idea to save the little birdies until the momma bird arrives.
The book beautifully inculcates the feeling of empathy, thinking on the feet, being open to suggestions from others and also introduces several new words to the young ones. This is the perfect book for not just little ones, but also an important reminder to adults in this cut-throat competitive world, to listen, to empathize, be resourceful and be kind. While Sam and Alphabet hop onto another adventure, you and I can devour into this book.
This book falls under my 3 year old daughter Asreet’s current favourite reads as
a) It has animals
b) It’s about saving a bird (being a superhero)
c) It’s about solving the problem with Kai. She particularly liked Kai and his idea.
I loved the quality of the paper in this book and the super cute illustrations, which easily draws the attention of my young reader and melts our heart. The cute fledglings are just too cute to not love!
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USE KBCSAM20 CODEDisclaimer: Bhavneet is a part of the #kbcReviewerSquad and received this book as a review copy from the publisher via kbc.
Sowmya has also shared her review of this book in our kbc fb group here.