Note: This is on behalf of my 9 year old daughter Ankita. Words are mine but it’s what she felt and liked!!

2018 in my life can be remembered as a year when I finally gave in to my mom’s wish and efforts of making a non reader like me into a reader and though there were a few books I had earlier too read reluctantly, this is a list of books where I discovered that “reading is one of the best things which one can do for oneself”..
Some of these books were already bought by my mom for me thinking that I will be a born reader like her (which turned out otherwise) and most of them we chose and bought online!!
So, this is my list of books from 2018 which 8-10 year olds will find interesting!!
- George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl
- Matilda by Roald Dahl
- The whistling school boy by Ruskin Bond
- The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton
- Arabian Nights by Pegasus Young Readers
- The Magic Drum and other favorite stories by Sudha Murthy
- The Upside Down King by Sudha Murthy
- Grandma’s Bag of Stories by Sudha Murthy
- The Bird with Golden Wings by Sudha Murthy
- Five on a Treasure Island: Famous five series by Enid Blyton
- 51 stories of Akbar Birbal: Tiny Tot Publications
- Five o’clock tales by Enid Blyton
- Six o’clock tales by Enid Blyton
- Malgudi days by RK Narayan
[Note from Team Kids Book Café: For your convenience, affiliate links to some of the books have been added to enable you to buy the books from Amazon, should you wish to! Do let us know if you’d like to buy some other children’s books that are not listed here by writing to and we’ll enable a shopping link for you!]
aditi!!!!! ankita is younger than aarini, and yet their reading preferences are so similar!!!! can’t wait to meet you guys in a’bad – both girls will get along well! we don’t have the upside down king – shall ask ini if she’s read it from the library; if not, that’s on our “to be read next” list!!!
thank you ever so much for sharing ankita’s faves. this is super awesome!
Aditi, little Ankita seem to be an enthusiastic reader at such an early age. Loved her collection of books. Thank you for sharing it. Will be helpful.