[Note from Asha: This is being posted by me on behalf of my childoo Aarini (who I call #the11yearold 🙂 ]

My mom tells me she started reading to me when I was 15 daysold. I don’t really remember that. But I do remember being gifted lots of books by my Grandmother, both Aunts and my parents’ friends. I was also taken to a fun children’s library in Goa called Bookworm where I got to take home loads of books. We had regular storytelling sessions there.
These are some of my favourite books:
2-6 years:
- Dora the Explorer : Dora’s Farm Rescue – Simon and Schuster. She read the entire series!
- Topsy and Tim series: Go to the doctor , Start School, At the farm – Jean Adamson & Gareth Adamson
- Fafa and Juno series by Shantashree Shetty
- Little Miss and Mr Men books by Roger Hargreaves – All the books are super funny! Little Ms Chatterbox , Little Miss Sunshine , Mr Topsy-Turvy , Mr Mischief
- Winnie the Pooh – A sense of fun and other books by A. A. Milne
- The Magic School Bus Series by Joanna Cole and others – On the Ocean Floor
- Chicken Licken – illustrated by Sam Childs
- Just Me (Little Critter) series by Gina and Mercer Mayer
- Thomas and Friends series by Wilbert Awdry – The Snowy Surprise
- Pepper books (Sterling) – Series 1 (6 books) , Pepper learns to take turns
- Dr Seuss books (all are must reads) – The Cat in the Hat
- The Adventures of Lola and Woofy (Frank)
- My Nursery Rhymes Collection (Hinkler) – Peter, Peter, Pumpkin eater; The house that Jack built; I asked my Mom for 50 cents; What are little boys made of; Sing a song of Six Pence, Hickory Dickory Dock; Little Miss Muffet; A sailor went to sea, sea, sea.
- My Treasury of Fairy Tales (Hinkler) – Jack and the Bean Stalk, Sleeping Beauty, The Emperor’s New Clothes, Hansel and Gretel
- My Treasury of Bedtime Tales (Hinkler) – Puss and Boots, The Valiant Tailor
7+ years onwards:
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid series by Jeff Kinney (I have read all the books and own most of them!)
- Tintin series by Hergé (I love the entire series and have read almost all the books!) – The Black Island
- Nancy Drew series – Carolyn Keene – Thanksgiving Thief
- Tom Gates series by Liz Pichon – Everythings Amazing
- Big Nate series by Lincoln Peirce – I can’t take it!
- Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz – Skeleton Key
- The Magic Drum, Grandma’s Bag of Stories by Sudha Murthy
- Five Find-Outers series by Enid Blyton – The Mystery of Holly Lane
- The Jerrymaya Detective Agency series by Martin Widmark – The Mummy Mystery
- Judy Moody series by Megan McDonald – Judy Moody saves the world
- A-Z Mysteries – Ron Roy (I have read many books in this series – still do!) – The Bald Bandit
- Geronimo & Thea Stilton series (Scholastic) – The super scam
- George’s Marvelous Medicine – Roald Dahl
- Alice in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll
- Pippi Long Stockings – Astrid Lindgren
- The Secret Garden – Frances Hodgson Burnett
- Lotus Lane series by Kyla May – Kiki my stylish life
- Mouse’s secret club series – PJ Ryan
- Ninja Nani series by Lavanya Karthik
- Pinkalicious series by Victoria Kann (little girls love this series!) – Crazy hair day
So these were Aarini’s favourite books so far. Do post your child’s all-time favourite books – would love to know what all the childoos are reading nowadays!
[Note from Team Kids Book Café: For your convenience, affiliate links to some of the books have been added to enable you to buy the books from Amazon, should you wish to! Do let us know if you’d like to buy some other children’s books that are not listed here by writing to asha@kidsbookcafe.com and we’ll enable a shopping link for you!]