Jul 082020
Keep Calm And Potty On – Recommended Books for Potty Training!
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photo courtesy: Neha Arora

Achieving milestones with kids can be an exhausting process for both parents and kids. Potty Training is known to be a tricky milestone for many! Some kids are scared to poop in the toilet, some think they will fall in the toilet, while some are possessive about their poop!

Over a decade ago, our founder Asha had a tough time convincing her childoo (who is now 13 years old!) to sit on the pot. What worked for her was this kind of cushioned potty seat with sturdy handles from Mee Mee. She got one with Giraffes on it and it was promptly named Giraffe. Giraffe would travel with the family wherever they’d go! She really wishes someone had told her to look for a book that would help!! This is exactly why she was keen on curating such on the topic!

Books can really help toddlers address certain issues including overcoming their fear/hesitation towards potty training. Here is a list of fun books that encourage kids to poop where they need to in an engaging and convincing way. This list has been curated from our very helpful facebook group and most of these recommendations have come from fellow parents who have benefitted from these books!!

Tip: Books with rewarding stickers are a huge hit!

In case we have missed out on any, do let us know in the comments and we will add your recommended poop books to our list!

Books Recommended for Potty Training (1-4 years)

Potty by Leslie Patricelli (part of Children’s Bookshelf on Amazon)

P is for Potty! (Sesame Street) – lift the flap book and part of Children’s Bookshelf on Amazon. Gauri Aras has shared a review and inside pages here in the fb group.

pc: Gauri Aras

Quoting Gauri:

“Potty training is a big milestone in itself. When we started potty training my son sadly we were not aware of books and we had to show him videos (was not a part of KBC family then). We finally achieved this huge milestone with him when he turned 2.5 years and we said good bye to diapers.

Now after almost 2 years we are back there again this time equipped with a fun book for my daughter. The pictures are colorful, flaps are interesting and keep the toddler occupied. Text is simple and my elder one reads it for her. It a fun book for all toddlers and even preschoolers. And after the first episode of peeing in the potty, her brother gifted her with a painting of a colorful bathroom with a colorful potty. 😆

There are many interactive Sesame Street books that our childoos enjoy!

Official CoComelon Sing-Song: The Potty Song – Girija has this one and has shared a review and some inside pages in the kbc fb group here. Quoting her:

Just when we were thinking of starting potty training for the little one, I came across ‘The Potty Song’ Cocomelon book.

Thanks to JJ, M has atleast started acknowledging her ‘funny feeling’ now. (Yaay!)

We have such fun singing and dancing to it. It has also become our bedtime read since last couple of days 🤷

The book has the all so familiar song on one side and a picture on the other. With all her known characters available in print , M instantly connected to the book.

DK Time to Use the Potty: A Potty Training Book for Boys and Girls – perfect for twins!

A Potty for Me! by the famous Karen Katz!

No More Nappies (campbell board book) – 10 pages

The Pirate Pete and Princess Polly series for boys and girls

Peppa Pig: George’s Potty (Sound Book): A noisy sound book for potty training (10 pages)

Knock, Knock: Who’s There?: A Potty Training Picture Book (48 pages) published by Scholastic. Many of our members grabbed this one in the scholastic sale! The synopsis shared on the Scholastic site says:

A hilarious group of animals teach toddlers a fun lesson in bathroom etiquette.

Who’s that knocking at the door? Delighted young readers, who get to surprise some very funny animals by opening the door on them as they go potty. More than just toilet training, this lively story demonstrates a range of proper bathroom etiquette. Each creature demonstrates the right way to behave, from flushing the toilet, to washing your hands, to turning off the light before you leave the room. Children will love the comical and charming illustrations and simple, engaging text.

This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.

It’s Potty Time!: Say “goodbye” to nappies with this potty-training book Board book (18 pages)

Potty Super Team published by Parragon Publishing (24 pages) for 2 years+. This book can be grabbed directly from their website (this is the kbc affiliate link to order).

Abha has shared inside pages in the kbc facebook group here. In her words: “This book sat on our bookshelf for almost a year because little S was not ready to make friends with the book. But over the last month or so, she has been curious about the book and insisted on reading the book. She was also intrigued by the concept of superheroes as presented in the book. But did it help in the potty training. So far no. I of course patiently waited.

So one day we had a very intense 😆 conversation –

Little S – I want to read this book mumma

Me – We will only read this book when u will use potty for poo poo

And then we never approached this topic till yesterday she said mom poo poo. I asked potty time? She was unsure. Then I said superhero? She said let’s go. And she finally used her potty. Then she rushed to her bookshelf, took out the book and said mom i used potty can we read the book now. That’s when I realized she remembered my condition and was waiting to get back to her book.

Does it mean she is potty trained? No. But as a parent do I feel the book helped. Definitely yes as it helped me get a breakthrough.”

Poo Poo Bum Bum Wee Wee (32 pages) – this has a potty song too!

Who’s in the Loo? (32 pages)

Potty All-Star (A Never Bored Book!): Get Out of Diapers and Into the Game! (22 pages)

Potty Time!

I Can Use My Potty Sticker Reward Book 

Diapers are Not Forever 

Everybody Poops!

Super Pooper Book – Potty Training for Kids

I Can’t, I Won’t, No Way!

Time To Pee!

“Bloop, Bloop!” Goes the Poop 

Come Out Mr Poo!: Potty Training for Kids 

Let’s Go to the Potty!: A Potty Training Book for Toddlers (50 pages)

It Hurts When I Poop!: A Story for Children Who are Scared to Use the Potty for 3-6 years (32 pages)
I Can’t, I Won’t, No Way!: A Book for Children Who Refuse to Poop for 5-6 years (34 pages)

Potty Books for Boys

Caillou-Potty Time
Potty Superstar: A potty training book for boys 
Pirate Pete’s Potty sticker activity book
Pirate Pete: Potty Colouring Book 
Too Big for Diapers (Sesame Street) (Sesame Steps)
It’s You and Me Against the Pee…: And the Poop Too! 
Potty Book for Boys (Hannah & Henry) 
Big Boys Use the Potty! 

Potty Books for Girls

Lulu’s Loo (touch and feel interactive book) – comes highly highly recommended and also mentions it’s okay if you have a pee accident at times.
Big Girls Use the Potty! 
Girls’ Potty Time (Dk)
Potty Book for Girls (Hannah & Henry)
I Want My Potty!
My Big Girl Potty
Potty Superstar: A potty training book for girls
Princess Polly’s Potty: a Ladybird Potty Training Book
Princess Potty
Big Girl Panties
Dana Dinosaur’s Potty Training Adventure
Goldilocks and the Three Potties by Leigh Hodgkinson (32 pages)


Oh Crap! Potty Training: Everything Modern Parents Need to Know to Do It Once and Do It Right (Volume 1) (Oh Crap Parenting)
Potty Training In One Week (a book for parents)
Potty Training 101: The 10 Proven steps that will potty train your toddler within days 

Related Reading:

The Ins and Outs of POOP: A Guide to Treating Childhood Constipation

Books that encourage children to go to the bathroom when they need to pee instead of holding on !

Many a time we get this query on books that help kids understand that it is important to go to the bathroom and pee regularly instead of holding it for hours. Here are some recommendations.

I Need To Pee – you read the review here . This books is for 5 years+ and is both funny as well as empowering. This is one book every child must have in her/his personal collection.

Time To Pee! (2 – 4 years) – it’s not just to toilet train but to remind kids that they need to go to pee from time to time!

It’s You And Me Against The Pee… And The Poop, Too! (2 – 8 years)

The Prince And The Pee

Fiona’s Little Accident (5 – 8 years)

Shout-out to our 13yo Intern-In-Residence (Aarini – The Chief Childoo) for posting this.


[Note from Team Kids Book Café: For your convenience, affiliate links (MARKED IN PINK) to some of the books have been added to enable you to buy the books from AMAZON, should you wish to! A very small amount of money comes to kidsbookcafe.com when you purchase a book via the amazon affiliate link provided (at no extra cost to you!). Do let us know if you need information about other children’s books by writing to asha@kidsbookcafe.com.]

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