We’re excited about these new releases, especially from Indian publishers! We’ll be reviewing many of these as we are community partners for most of the publishers in India.
Gana-Bajana by Devdutt Pattanaik | Colourful, Illustrated Board Books on Hindu Mythology | Musical Instruments of Indian Gods and Goddesses for Kids Age 3+
Jai and the Vegetable Superheroes by Rachna Chhabria (36 pages)
Nellie’s Big Splash by Cori Doerrfeld (of The Rabbit Listened fame!) for 4-8 years (40 pages)
My Nest is The Best by Niyatee Sharma for 4-10 years. Sowmya has shared some lovely inside pages here in the kbc fb group. Excerpts from her review:
“Niyatee Sharma’s latest book is a tweet-astic non-fictional tale of our feathery friends.
The book introduces the nesting habits of various birds: a stitched nest, an edible nest, a tunnel nest and a floating nest are some of the fascinating types we learn about.
We learn about over 15 birds which have unique nest building patterns and techniques.
Whether it’s amazing woven basket nests of the Baya Weaver birds or floating nests of the Sarus crane, it was an eye-opening and enlightening read.
Niyatee Sharma’s deep dive into the world of ornithology is wonderfully brought to life by the realistic, watercolor artwork of Sushama Durve.
Each page has a crisp introduction to the bird’s nest set to a gentle rhyming scheme. A more detailed account of the bird and its habitat and nest follows. The illustrations are a visual delight and we could spend hours flipping through the vibrant illustrations.
Siddhanth really enjoyed learning about some of the unique nests and lovely illustrations. He was particularly amused that the Edible Nest Swiftlet used its own saliva to fortify its nest.
The icing on the cake was attending the book reading session and meeting the author, Niyatee Sharma herself!
Sid was awestruck because he has never met a “real-life author” before
If your kiddo is a nature-lover or you would like to introduce a bit of nature non-fiction in the barrage of fiction, this book promises to make you as happy as a lark!”
All of Niyatee Sharma’s books can be found here.
The Trio’s Adventure: Bringing Pluto Back by kbc members Himanshi Mundeja and her son Viaan for 4-7 years (28 pages). The mom-son duo have done an enchanting read aloud of the book for WRAD in our kbc fb group here.
There is an exclusive offer for our kbc members where you can get this book for Rs 280 by ordering directly from the author. Contact Rishabh – +91 79069 91779 on whatsapp and be sure to mention that you are a kbc member!
Bina the Bookworm: Rises Above Obstacles for 4+. Rinki has shared inside pages here in the kbc fb group.
Nikyle the Curious Crocodile by Rea Malhotra Mukhtye (the author of kbc recommended bestseller THE GERM ACADEMY) -52 pages
Zooni’s Alarm Clock (Hook Book): A Modern Tale of a Tradition From Kashmir | Ages 5+ by Vibha Batra, illustrated by Pankaj Saikia
Hook Book: Gawa’s Bag Of Good Regards for 5-7 years
Hook Book: The Wish Fish for 5-7 years.
Wrestling Day (Hook Book): A Modern Tale of a Traditional Sport From Nagaland for 5-7 years
The Scent of Roses (hOle Book): by Adithi Rao – Story of a Young Boy Dealing with Loss | Set in Kashmir | Ages 7+. Sowmya has shared a detailed review with an inside page here in the kbc fb group. Excerpts:
“This book a poignant addition to the books that help children grasp the difficult concept of the loss of loved ones.
A pall of gloom clouds Sajad’s mind ever since his Abu was whisked away in a jeep and ‘disappeared’ into the night. There are other young children like him, who have been deeply impacted by missing family members. The author beautifully highlights the role of a cheery and supportive school teacher, Ustadji who not only teaches academics but also struggles to preserve the innocence and joy of the young Kashmiri children.
Sajad hears of an urban legend, Bram Bram Chok, a dark wolf who incinerates people with his fiery eyes. Sajad’s anguish and angst takes the form of this feral creature and he starts lashing out at his family and friends.
Sajad’s grandfather manages the family business of manufacturing rose water and after Abu’s disappearance, the heavy mantle of carrying forward the legacy falls on Sajad’s fragile shoulders. A line that deeply resonated with me was when Bade bub (Sajad’s grandfather) says ‘Go wherever you want to. Remember, wherever you go, there will be life’.
The highlight of the story has to be Adithi Rao’s richly descriptive words which capture the barbed beauty of Kashmir. The story showcases the plethora of emotions that a young child in Kashmir (or any child in today’s war-torn world) might experience. That of despair, uncertainty and helplessness. Krishna Bala Shenoi’s illustrations are wonderful and evocative and bring the story to life.
Will Sajad learn to tame the fearsome beast (metaphorically his anger) and find inner peace? Make yourself a cup of nun chai (or kahwa, if you please) and pick up this book to find out.”
Meet the Mubbles by Liz Pichon – graphic novel for 5-7 years (128 pages)
The Greatest Champak Stories: Volume 1: Easy-to-Read, Fun-Filled Collection of Illustrated Stories from Champak Magazine | Ages 6+
The Greatest Champak Stories: Volume 2 | Ages 6+
Hands That Wrote History: How Prem Behari Narain Raizada Calligraphed The Indian Constitution (The Magic Makers) by Mamta Nainy for 7 years+ (our members recommend Magic Makers series for 5-9 years)
Roop and the River Crossing: Full-colour picture book on the Partition of India | Ages 8+ by Samina Mishra (40 pages)
The Sherlock Holmes Children’s Collection: (Series 1) 10 Book Box Set for 7-9/10 years (illustrated – each around 140 pages) published by Sweet Cherry Publishing
The Arabian Nights Children’s Collection (Easy Classics): 10 Book Box Set for 7-9/10 years (illustrated – each around 132 pages) published by Sweet Cherry Publishing
Agalya in the Spotlight by Divya Anand for 8 years+ (136 pages) – an illustrated chapter book
Amma, Take Me to the Hill Forts of Rajasthan by Bhakti Mathur | Ages 9+
Love, Light, Grace, Strength : Multi-Faith Prayers For Every Child for 8 years+ (132 pages). Seetha has shared the inside pages here in our kbc fb group.
Go Wild: Stories, essays and comics that celebrate the Earth – an anthology edited by Bijal Vachharajani for 10 years+ (160 pages)
Rhymes for the Times by Ruskin Bond | Illustrated Poetry Collection for 10+ Years: A Book of Poems, Limericks and Nonsense Verse for 10 years+ (96 pages)
The Story of India’s National Flag by Kavitha Mandana for 10+ (64 pages)
The Story of India’s National Emblem by Kavitha Mandana for 10+ (64 pages) – Amardeep has reviewed the book and shared inside pages here in the kbc facebook group.
The Story of India’s National Anthem by Kavitha Mandana for 10+ (72 pages)
History Unpacked: The Why, When and What of Ancient India: A Fun Way to Learn History From the Stone Age to the Golden Age | Ages 10+
Travelling Treasures: 100 Incredible Tales of How Things Came to India for 10 years+ (248 pages) . Rinki has shared her review in the kbc fb group here.
Once Upon A Beginning :- Incredible Origin Stories From India for 10 years+ (232 pages)
Rinki has shared her review and inside pages here in the kbc fb group.
A History of South India for Children (400 pages)
10 Makers of the Indian Constitution: for 12+. This is the latest release in the TENS series by Duckbill. Medhansh has shared a 4 min-long video review in our kbc fb group here. Quoting his mom Rakshita, “Video is 4mins + but this book needs nothing less to do justice. Whenever it was Constitution of Indian we all just thought of Dr BR Ambedakar. But here the author has done a commendable job by introducing the entire team who made the Constitution of India possible.
What we enjoy today as our citizen rights has been because of hard work of these people and like Medhansh says in the video…we all must read this…so if you are 12+ year old and want to enhance your knowledge, this one is for you!”
Rama the King by Dhan Gopal Mukherjee (208 pages)
[Note from Team Kids Book Café: For your convenience, affiliate links (MARKED IN PINK) to some of the book titles & images have been added to enable you to buy the books from AMAZON, should you wish to! A very small amount of money comes to kidsbookcafe.com when you purchase a book via the amazon affiliate link provided (at absolutely no extra cost to you!). Do let us know if you need information about other children’s books by writing to asha@kidsbookcafe.com.]