Who can resist a massive discount? Every time a sale on Amazon happens, the deal-seeker in me comes to life and goes bananas!
When my child was little, if I came across a series of books – I would just buy a dozen. To gift kids who came home for play dates (so they wouldn’t want to take home some of my child’s fav books!), or for b’day parties and especially for return gifts for my child’s b’day.
Now that she is 12 years old, the only thing that has changed now is that I stock up for birthdays (and not play dates or sleepovers!!) so we don’t have to run around looking for a gift, last minute!
Since Amazon sales keep happening a few times a year, I thought of compiling a list of box sets of MUST READ books, award winning authors, bestsellers, recommended books for different age groups.
DISCLAIMER: These photographs are indicative – please check which exact books will be included in your box set on Amazon itself.
Happy Shopping. May you be able to make the most of every sale!!
My First Library: Box Set 1 of 10 Board Books, My First Library Boxset 2/Pack 2 of 10 books (with different board books than the first boxset) and Box Set of 20 Board Books for ages 0-3 years
Almost all of our members own this set and recommend it to gift as well. It makes the perfect first set of board books for your baby!
My First 100 Box Set (set of 5 books) for ages 1-5 years.
Mythology Series of Krishna, Ganesha, Hanuman, Durga, Shiva, Saraswati, Lakshmi (mini board books) by Om Books for ages 0-4 years. (all under Rs 100)
Cutout board books by Om Books – Tiger, Horse, Bus, Car, Train, Rabbit, Penguin, Elephant, etc for ages 0-4 years. (all under Rs 100)
Ladybird Read It Yourself Level 1 (pizza box of 6 books) for ages 2-5 years.
Ladybird Read it Yourself Level 2 (pizza box set of 6 books) for ages 3-5 years.
Ladybird RIY Level 3 (box set of 6 books) for ages 3-6 years.
Ladybird RIY Level 4 (box set of 6 books) for ages for 4-7 years
Pepper books really help toddlers dealing with emotions and for learning good manners, how to share, eat green veggies, how to help at home, about tantrums, about jealousy etc. These books are very affordable and kids seem to love pepper!
Pepper Series Set 1 (6 books) for ages 2-6 years Titles in this set:
1) Pepper Cleans his Room, 2) Pepper Crosses the Road, 3) Pepper Eats Green Vegetables, 4) Pepper is Careless, 5) Pepper is Selfish, 6) Pepper Plays with Fire.
Pepper Series Set 3 (6 books) for ages 2-6 years Titles in this set:
1) Pepper Gets Stage Fright , 2) Pepper Lends a Helping Hand , 3) Pepper Goes to the Doctor , 4) Pepper in the Dark, 5) Pepper Learns About Recycling, 6) Pepper Meets his New Neighbour.
Pepper Series Set 4 (6 books) for ages 2-6 years. Titles in this set
1) Pepper at the Table, 2) Pepper watches too much TV, 3) Pepper and the New Baby, 4) Pepper Learns to take the Blame, 5) Pepper Learns to take Turns, 6) Pepper Throws a Tantrum.
Pepper Series Set 5 (6 books) for ages 2-6 years. Books in this set are:
1) Pepper Learns Good Habits, 2) Pepper is Jealous, 3) Pepper Learns Good Manners, 4) Pepper and Mama’s New Job, 5) Pepper Goes to School, 6) Pepper Learns to Keep a Promise.
Another bookset with very good Pepper books (CALLED PEPPER WANTS TOO MANY TOYS) – 1) Pepper has a fight 2) Pepper gets a new pet 3) Pepper wants too many toys 4) Pepper strays away 5) Pepper brushes his teeth 6) Pepper eats too much cake
Similar to Pepper are BENNY BOOKS.
The Berenstain Bears first time books (link to collections and single books). A must in every toddler’s library – these books help in solving specific toddler issues.
Wonder House Activity books
Dreamland Activity Books for all ages!
Dreamland LOOK AND FIND BOOKS are BESTSELLERS on kbc. Every 3-5 year old child has them!
Sticker books for little munchkins!
Team Pegasus Activity Books
Om Books international activity books
Colouring books for all ages
Scrabble and word game books for all ages
Wipe and Clean writing books for active toddlers who need to be kept busy in a constructive way so they don’t engage in destruction of the house!!!
A Classic Case of Dr. Seuss (box set of 20 books) for ages 3-5 years
Dr. Seuss books need no introduction at all. They fall in the must read, must have and must gift category!
All the Dr. Seuss books are listed individually and can be bought here.
Julia Donaldson collection (pack of 10 books) for ages 2-7 years
Julia Donaldson collection (pack of 10 books including Monkey Puzzle which is very popular amongst our #kbcChildoos 🙂 ) – 2-7 years
THERE IS A RECENT NEW BOOKSET (which makes perfect sense!!). Julia Donaldson X10 Gift Pack+Monkey Puzzle Product Bundle !!! Shout-out to Asra for discovering this product bundle!!
Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks (pack of 8 glitter books) for ages 2-6 years
We have many book reviews on Julia Donaldson’s books and our members insist every child must read and have a few of her books in his/her personal library :).
Once there was a boy by Oliver Jeffers (box set of 4 books) – 2-5 years
Books by Oliver Jeffers are must haves and make wonderful gifts! Our members really cherish his award winning books. Read reviews here.
Usborne Phonics Readers (box set of 20 titles) for ages 3-5 years.
We have quite a few book reviews of Usborne Phonics Readers by parents.
Pete the Cat Phonics Box : Includes 12 Mini-Books Featuring Short and Long Vowel Sounds (My First I Can Read) for 3-6 years. Pete the Cat books come in I Can Read series in different levels and come highly recommended as they are easy and fun to read by early readers.
Pete the Cat’s Giant Groovy Book: 9 Books in One (My First I Can Read)
Peppa Pig Little Library (set of 6 little board books) for ages 2-6 years
Peppa Pig Fairy Tale Little Library (set of 6 board books) for ages 2-6 years
Peppa Pig Bedtime Little Library (set of 4 board books) for ages 2-6 years
Peppa Pig is one of the favourite characters in the house! Our lil members are huge Peppa Pig fans. Check out reviews here.
The Incredible Peppa Pig collection (Yellow) Paperback for 1-5 years. Yellow boxset collection of 50 books!
The Ultimate Peppa Pig Collection (50 Storybooks) Hardcover – this is the blue boxset of 50 books.
Eric Carle’s legendary books and book sets for ages 2-5 years. No personal library is complete without Eric Carle’s books!!
Every vehicle crazy toddler and pre-schooler has to have TONY MITTON’S AMAZING MACHINES BOOKS!! They come individually and in boxsets. Apt for 1-5 years, almost all of our kbc members have some!
Zayn and Zoey series are extremely popular at kbc. Almost every member has a few of these books. They are packed with information in the most engaging manner and are ideal for 3.5/4 years – 8 years.
The Zayn & Zoey toddler set (6 books) says 2-6 years and is the first set everyone usually orders. Book titles include: Transport, Houses, 5 senses, Seasons, Water Cycle, Community Helpers.
There are other Zayn and Zoey booksets based on different topics as well. Continents (6 books) is a bestseller. Others are Farm to Table series (4 books) , Habitat series (5 books), Natural Disaster series (2 books), Environment series (3 books), Space Adventures (3 books)
Mister Men and Little Miss series of books are must haves for 3-7 years. Every child should have at least 3-5 of these books in their personal library (according to my child!)
The boxset is a steal!
Mister Men boxset of 48 books is going at an unbelievable price!!
Little Miss: My Complete Collection Box Set of 36 books is value for money!
SONIA MEHTA’S BOOKS & BOOKSETS – are a super hit with parents and kids and they really help in addressing issues. We have many incredible reviews in the kbc facebook group. Her books and booksets are the greatest discovery for each parent! The booksets work out more economical. Therefore everyone goes for them!
Dealing with Feelings series by Sonia Mehta for ages 3 years+
Dealing with Feelings by Sonia Mehta Boxset 1 (6 books) for ages 3 years+
Dealing with Feelings Boxset 2 (6 books) for 3 yrs+
My Values Collection 1 (6 books) for 5 yrs+
My Value Collection 2 (6 books) for 5 yrs+
These books from the value series are available individually as well.
The Green World Series by Sonia Mehta – this is an awesome environment series for 5yrs+ – extremely popular with our members! It comes as a product bundle too – The Econuts Mystery series bookset (5 books) for 5 yrs+
Fun with English Value Pack (6 books) for 6 years+. These books can be ordered individually as well.
Vocabulary Made Easy comes in different levels
Vocabulary Made Easy Level 1: fun, interactive English vocab builder, activity & practice book with pictures for kids 4+, collection of 800+ everyday words| fun facts, riddles for children, grade 1
Fun with Maths Value Pack (6 books) for 6 yrs+
Fun with Science Value Pack (6 books) for 6 yrs+
Discover India series – covers every state ideal for 7/8 years+ – very popular and always in demand!
Discover India Boxset (30 books of all States and Union Territories of India) for 7/8 years+
Discover India: Monuments of India
Princess Fairy Tales Boxset (set of 10 classic children’s fairy tales) for ages 3-8 years
Duckbill’s hOle Books (boxset of 25 books) – age 5-10 years
hOle books come highly recommended by ALL of our members – they are very creative, funny and address different topics in a sensitive way. Every child must have AT LEAST ONE hOle book. Perfect for gifting on birthdays. We have gifted Timmi in Tangles to many kids! They are available individually as well, of course!
Geronimo Stilton Book sets for 5-8 years.
Geronimo Stilton Books (to order individually) are extremely popular with 5-8 yos.
Magic Tree House Series and Sets for ages 6-9 years
Magic Tree House Books (Books 1-28)
Magic Tree House Books (books 29 onwards)
Magic Tree House Fact Tracker (non fiction) series for ages 7-10 years
Noddy books – self reading 5 yrs+ otherwise can be read/co-read to 3 years+ as well
THE BIG BOOK OF NODDY 6 Classic Story Books comes highly recommended by Sweta Mundhra.
The O’Clock Tales series (for 5-8 years) – these are short stories full of adventure.
The Wishing Chair series (for 5-8 years)
Naughtiest Girl by Enid Blyton (box set of 10 paperback books) for ages 7-9 years. Kids who love to read about pranks in school simply adore this series which can be ordered individually as well.
Enid Blyton’s Adventure Collection x 8 Books Pack 2021
Five Find-Outers mystery books by Enid Blyton for ages 7 years+
Secret Seven by Enid Blyton (box set of 15 books) for ages 8 years+
Another must read mystery series we all grew up on!
Malory Towers series and collections by Enid Blyton for ages 8 years+
Boarding school adventures and more!
St. Clare’s Collection by Enid Blyton (box set of 9 books) for ages 8 years+
St Clare’s Collection 1 (set of 3 books) for ages 8 years+
St Clare’s book collection – sets of 9/3/singles for ages 8 years+
Famous Five by Enid Blyton (box set of 21 books) for ages 8 years+
Amelia Bedelia (box set of 10) for ages 8-10 years
Captain Underpants Full Color Edition Box of 7 Books (6-10 years)

Roald Dahl’s Collection (there are different box sets) for ages 7 years+
All of our parent members and their kids swear by Roald Dahl’s entertaining books! Read some reviews here.
The Treehouse Collection x 10 Book Set by Andy Griffiths for 7-11 years (our kbc childoos love this series which can be ordered as individual books as well as in product bundles).
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Collection (box set of 10 books) for ages 8-12 years.
Our tween members (especially my own childoo) are crazy about this hilarious series. An 11 year old’s review to give you an idea…
Tom Gates (box set of 9 funny books) for ages 8 years+
Anyone who reads Wimpy Kid, adores Tom Gates! Very popular with the tweens in the house (my house as well!)
THE HARRY POTTER SERIES comes in various kinds of BOOKSETS.
NEW RELEASE FOR SMALLIES (expected September 2025) : Pocket Potters – Little Guides to the Harry Potter Books – a series of 5 books (so far) for 4/5 years+ which can be co-read (32 pages)
Harry Potter box set (set of 7 volumes) for ages 8 years+
Harry Potter boxset (set of 3 volumes) for ages 8 years+
For younger kids (6/7 years+ depending on the reading level) – Illustrated edition of Harry Potter (parents recommend the third book should be read when the child is 8+)
Harry Potter MinaLima Edition
The Hogwarts Library Box Set by J. K. Rowling for 8-12 years
The Unofficial Ultimate Harry Potter Spellbook: A complete reference guide to every spell in the wizarding world by Media Lab Books. This is part of THE UNOFFICIAL HARRY POTTER REFERENCE LIBRARY series.
If you have a potterhead at home, this is the best gift ever!

David Walliams book sets come in different kinds of sets for ages 8 years+
David Walliams is another must read author. We keep gifting his books (and have quite a few in our personal library!).
David Walliams and Tony Ross have a series of picture books for 3-7 years which are very popular with our kbc childoos. Fabulous Stories For The Very Young: Three funny children’s picture books from this series is available in a set.
The Adventures of Tintin books and sets for ages 9 years+
Ruskin Bond books for children – 8 years+
Sudha Murty books of short stories – 9 years+
Rick Riordan books – 10-15 years
Alex Rider Anniversary Collection (box set of 10) – 10+ years
[Note from Team Kids Book Café: For your convenience, affiliate links (MARKED IN PINK) to some of the books have been added to enable you to buy the books from AMAZON, should you wish to! A very small amount of money comes to kidsbookcafe.com when you purchase a book via the amazon affiliate link provided (at no extra cost to you!). Do let us know if you’d like to buy some other children’s books that are not listed here yet, by writing to asha@kidsbookcafe.com.]