Book Title: Catch That Moustache Thief!
Author: Sukumar Ray
Translated from Bengali by: Sudeshna Shome Ghosh
Illustrated by: Pankaj Saikia
Publisher: Talking Cub (an imprint of Speaking Tiger Books)
Type: Paperback
Pages: 16
Recommended Age: 4-6 years
Sukumar Roy and his iconic Abol Tabol is something every Bengali can associate with. Bengalis love fish, rice, books, rasogolla and Abol Tabol with all their heart.
This is the translation of the famous poem Gonph Churi (gonph means moustache and churi is stealing). For those of you who are movie fans, it’s literally the poetic version of Golmaal (remember Utpal Dutt and his obsession with his moustache?!)
This is a hilarious tale of a boss (who may have just woken up from a nap!) looking for his moustache that he thinks is lost. Too Much(h) (pun intended)!!
What follows is a complete laughter riot with the office staff trying to figure out what has happened and if a doctor or poolish (police in Bengali) needs to be called in! And no matter how much they said the moustache is right there he would not believe them.
Is it really possible to lose one’s moustache? Does the boss manage to find the stolen mooch? Was it a bad dream or is there a ghost that has gotten into him?
We kept wondering why the boss was going all crazy for the moustache that is sitting happily under his nose and we agreed it must have been a very bad dream because after all our mooches are very much our own. No one can steal them at all.
The story is beautifully translated with rhyming text and funny words. My son loved the description of the mooch when it was described as “Dirty, tiny, scraggy, ugly, disgusting and bad”! So many adjectives for one moustache!
The illustrations are so funny that they will make you laugh like crazy. All of us read and re-read this book together. We actually had a wonderful bonding over it. Even my mom loved it and became all nostalgic.
To know more, please pick up your copy and get transported to the hilarious world of Abol Tabol i.e. Gol Maal! Happy reading and laughing!
If you enjoyed this review and wish to look for the missing mooch and its thief, you can buy the book from Amazon (kbc affiliate link),
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