It’s holiday time and every parent wants to keep their kids busy (and away from screens) with some interesting activities!! So, the teams at FirstCry and Kids Book Café thought of addressing this in a fun way :).
Let’s get creative, together!! That’s right, go ahead and…
Make Your Own
Kids Busy Kit #KBK !
That way, everyone will get a variety of ideas to keep the munchkins busy!
Contest Details:
Here’s what you need to do:
1. Post a picture of your Kids Busy Kit #KBK in the comments on our facebook group Contest Thread. Use Your Name followed by #KBK
[For example, this is Asha’s Kids Busy Kit – ooops!! I mean, Asha’s #KBK for 9-11 year olds: Tintin, Harry Potter, Modern Indian Stories, Word Search, Adult Colouring Book with some extras on the side 🙂 ]
2. Tag 2 other folks on the thread and ask them to participate!
3. Sign up!! This is important for Eligibility! Only #kbc members who have signed up on the community site kidsbookcafe.com will be eligible. So be sure you’re registered on the site!
4. Specify the age (it can be for any age group from 0-12 years)
5. Name it: Your Name followed by #KBK so we know who it belongs to!!
And now, coming to the most important part…
Elements of your Kids Busy Kit:
ANY 5 THINGS related to reading (books/comics) OR puzzles OR art & craft (colouring books/colouring or painting sets) OR activity sets (word search/sticker books/connect the dots) OR DIY sets (play dough, jewellery, beads, scoobies, paper quilling, loom bands, etc etc). Feel free to add other activity stuff to your #KBK – whatever you have a home!
Please make sure you include AT LEAST ONE BOOK! We all love books, remember?!
The best ‘Kids Busy Kits’ will be featured in an article on kidsbookcafe.com
FirstCry’s Intellikit comes in three age groups: 2-3 years, 3-4 years and
4-6 years. The two winners will get age appropriate kits they request for! Yippee!!
And the rest of #kbcMembers get a SPECIAL COUPON CODE KBCFIRSTCRYKIT which is valid only on the 3 months subscription box.
Contest duration: June 5- 11, 2019 (EOD)
Please note: Team FirstCry and Kids Book Café retain the right to choose winners of the contest and their decision is final.
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