This is our entry for #kbcADayWithDaddy Contest.
“Of all the titles I’ve been privileged to have, ’Dad’ has always been the best.” – Ken Norton
This is my first post in KBC and I am really excited to write about fatherhood and paternal bonds with my son Yuvaan. Let’s start with Wishing all fathers a Happy Father’s Day!!!

If someone asks me, “When have you felt the most special?” My answer will be “When I held Yuvaan in my arms for the very first time.” I was holding a baby that I gave life to and he was the youngest baby I held in my arms in my entire life (Yuvaan was exactly 5 min. old when the doctor gave him to me). This is the most excellent and amazing feeling about being a father. I was 24, when my father left us. I always want him to come back and wrap me up again; he was a great man and did everything for me. When Yuvaan as born I promised myself that I would do anything for him and that day I actually felt the warmth of my father.
With each passing day, we are raising him together and standing united, which is actually helping us strengthening the bonds in our tiny family. The big bear hugs, the tickle fights, jumping up and down in muddy puddles…… are the things this little boy can’t get enough of.
I take Yuvaan out a couple of times a month, and I love to see his excitement when he gets ready for a solo play date just with Daddy, also my wife gets her much needed break and some quality time for herself. We carry water, fun foods, tripod, change and a lots and lots of sun screen. Here I am sharing some pictures of our recent visit to one of our friend’s farm and our resort 20 km from Jaisalmer.

It was a beautiful rainy day and we decided to go out in Gypsy. Luckily the covid restrictions of not going out are no longer applicable here. On the way, we found a beautiful pond with ducklings and we stopped by it and fed the ducklings. On reaching the farm, we decided to remove the weeds. We even spotted the red velvet insects, Trombidiidae. They usually come out after rain and we collected many.

We even found a Mantis, and loved his each and every move. Yuvaan wanted to swim but unfortunately we forgot the pool tube and fortunately we could enjoy the rain walk, while taking the walk, we dig up the soil to find out sea shells as the sand had many tiny sea shells in it. We picked up sticks, and found some fossil stones too. There we found two stray dogs and being the dog lovers we called them and they followed us too.

It was indeed an awesome day and in such gloomy days it became our most memorable and adventurous trip.
Being the dad is the best!!!