Nov 042022
Darwin’s Summer Reads for #kbcBookBingoJr (4-7 years)
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Being part of the KBC family is something I’m really happy about. I still remember the first query I posted when Darwin was around 22 months old and I was amazed at the response by Asha. Since then we never miss a recommendation posted in group. The age appropriate books suggested have helped Darwin to continue on his reading journey. Now, we never forget to take books on trips whether it is a staycation or a long vacation to grand parents place. Speaking of grandparents, my parents are tired of receiving books for Darwin as I keep ordering the good books suggested by our lovely group members to their address and we bring them when we visit!

I feel really happy when he chooses books when we take him to any department store or asks for a book when we wait at a restaurant. During a recent trip we visited a bookstore as Darwin overheard a conversation between his dad and myself and said he needs The blue monster wants it all book, which was not available in the store but he managed to buy a good book and started reading it immediately. That’s the power of being a part of the KBC group and what it has done for our little ones.

Now the most awaited Bingo event is here, and we are so happy to participate. It was really difficult to choose the books for the bingo from our collection. And since we are staying outside INDIA few books linked here may be priced different than in India. But the very purpose of sharing these wonderful books is to introduce new books to our beloved KBC Childoos.

We are supposed to share 30 books but using this opportunity Darwin and Myself wanted to share our love for books by sharing minimum two books from each category (except for Hook books). And of course we read them again as we selected them for book bingo. Sharing these books is the least I can do for this wonderful group and lovely childoos who inspire us everyday.


1.Tomorrow I’ll be Brave by Jessica Hische

It’s a simple yet powerful book to encourage our kids to try again next time, to be brave and confident. The calligraphy is wonderful. Just like it says, it’s okay if I couldn’t be brave, confident, curious or strong today, Tomorrow I’ll be all these things or at least I’ll try my best.

2. Oi Puppies! by Kes Gray

If you are familiar with Oi Frog! then you will be familiar with the Frog, Cat and Dog trio. So now the dog is looking after some puppies who are badly trained and won’t sit no matter what. Can frog make them sit? This is a fun filled awesome rhyming read.

3.Bug in a Rug by Russell Punter

Bug in a Rug is a Usborne Phonic Readers book. Bug is not able to sleep due to the noises outside its home. The next day it goes to work at Slug’s Rug Store. Slug goes out. On returning it is shocked to see that the store is packed. What really happened?

4.Not Fair Won’t Share – A book about Sharing

Three kids get angry over the space station activity. Nobody wants to take turns and they all become angry including the teacher. The teacher sends them out and each one tries to calm down on their own. Finally once they are all calm they take turns and have fun.


5.What’s for lunch Papa penguin

Papa Penguin and Pippin run a café in Antarctica. They serve everything fish from grilled fish to fish lollies and even fish ice cream. One day one of their customers Frank is so fed up of fish that he asks for something new. So Papa Penguin and Pippin set out on a journey to find new food and new ideas.

This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.

6.Hiku by Nicole Snitselaar and Coralie Saudo

Hiku with a heart-shaped tummy, is grumpy and doesn’t want to meet and greet his family who are visiting. He hides from them but starts to feel lonely and bored in his hiding place. He thinks of all the fun things he did with his family and finally decides to come out of his hiding place.

We usually play I Spy Hiku on almost each page as Hiku is the only penguin with a heart-shaped tummy amongst all the penguins.

This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.

7.All the way home

Debi Gliori’s books are pure love. And this one is no exception. It’s a story of daddy and baby penguin (Egg) who are drifted off to the other side of the world and then their adventure begins as daddy penguin tries to find his way back home. How they got home in time and who helped them is rest of the story.


8.Goat’s Coat

Alfonzo goat is so proud of his new coat. As he walks through, he finds others who need help and Goat uses his coat to help them all. Now without a coat in the cold weather the goat can’t get back to his home. Suddenly he hears some noise and sees someone approaching him. Who could be coming to help Alfonzo? Does he get out of the cold and back home?

9.By the light of the Moon

Moving houses can be hard especially for kids. Ivan feels the same when he moves to a new home. He doesn’t feel like he belongs in the new house. The bedroom feels strange too. So looks outside his window and looks up at the moon. Soon with Moji a magical creature he explores the world and when it’s time to return home. He feels sad as he feels it’s not his home. But Moji tries to convince Ivan. What did Moji show him? And was Ivan convinced?


10.Charlie and Lola I can do anything that’s everything all on my own

Charlie and Lola the siblings are so fun. Especially when Lola is adamant about something. Like in this book she wants to try absolutely anything that’s everything all on her own. Even playing see-saw all on her own. Her brother tries to convince her that it’s ok to seek help and not everything can be done by yourself.

11.Richard Scarry’s A Day at the Airport

Who would say no to a Richard Scarry book? Rudolf takes Huckle, Sally and Lowly on a visit to the airport and explains them all the things about the airport right from check-in to control towers. Like any Richard Scarry book there is a lot to see and learn and of course to play I Spy!

12.The Tunnel By Anthony Browne

Jack and Rose are siblings. Being siblings they argue, fight whenever they are together. One day their mother gets very irritated and sends them out together. In a waste ground Jack finds a tunnel and follows it. Rose gets worried as Jack doesn’t return and she decides to enter the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel she finds an enchanted forest but not Jack. Does she find Jack and do they return home is the rest of the story.


13.Clifford the Big Red Dog – Big Red School

Emily Elizabeth and Clifford come up with an idea of having a school that would be big enough to accommodate Clifford. And Emily is very happy to share the activities she does in school with Clifford in the Big Red School. Clifford’s friends join them in school.

We read this book when Darwin was attending Nursery. He usually never tells us what’s happening in Nursery but this book encouraged him to do a similar pretend play with his soft toys and would say I’m your Arabic Teacher, next is French class, etc.

This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.

14.Whiffy Wilson The Wolf who wouldn’t go to School by Caryl Hart and Leonie Lord

Darwin will start his school in September and I’m expecting him to say I don’t want to go to school because “it’s boring” or “teacher might get mad” (because he got the answers wrong or something like that) once he starts school. Wilson the wolf is exactly the same. He doesn’t know his numbers, he can’t paint or read but stubbornly says school is boring and he would rather watch TV. But his neighbor Dotty takes him to school forcefully and shows him what to do. Did he like the school? Will Wilson go to school the next day?

15.Zoo School By Heath McKenzie

Eva and Oscar are very late to school one day that they didn’t notice the school gate was broken. But they are in for a shock when they see their teacher has grown a trunk and tusks and …. Well the school has turned into a madhouse of animals. They try to find their teacher but in vain. So they decide among themselves to choose a King … Do they choose the king and does the madness come to an end?

This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.

16.Tool School

Little Hammer, Pliers, Screwdrivers, Saw and Tape Measure start school and each one of them is good at one thing. When the teacher asks them to do a project will they be able to do it alone or by good team work? Oh they also have a page where they have introduced the tools with a mini description of what is the specialty of each tool.

This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.

17.Clifford Goes to Kindergarten

Emily Elizabeth is starting Kindergarten and is very nervous. She reads books, visits school, plays school at home too but is still anxious and worried what if she misses home or can’t make friends, etc. When her mom receives a letter from school asking kids to bring something from home to school so that they will be comfortable on the first day of school – any guesses what she takes with her the next day?

This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.


18.My Grandfather’s funny eyebrows

Zayaan can tell the mood of his grandfather by looking at his eyebrows which looks funny to him. He identifies that the eyebrows look funny in different ways when grandpa does different activities. One day his grandfathers eyebrows tell Zayaan that they look scary. What could the reason be?

19.Itchy Scritchy Scratchy Pants by Steve Smallman and Elina Ellis

Five Cold Vikings have lost there Undies in a fight and are feeling very cold. One of them says that he saw a Knitted Knickers shop. When they reach the shop they are shocked to see ‘Sold out’. But the knickers lady gives them an idea – to get some yeti fur so that she can knit them some knickers! All five of them set on the journey and face some obstacle on the way, but they deal it with stinky socks and a bear hug. To know what happens next you need to read this book which is actually very funny that I had to stop many times in between to get a good laugh before continuing.

20.Funny Bones by Janet and Allan Ahlberg

Three skeletons – Big, Small and Dog go out on a dark dark night to frighten somebody. They can’t find anyone, so the small skeleton suggests they frighten each other which becomes funny or was it funny to begin with (scratching head like the big skeleton)…? I was hesitant to introduce this book initially thinking Darwin might get scared seeing the skeletons but I was wrong. This is one of our favourite bedtime reads now that we laugh and laugh and laugh to sleep.

21.Ants in your Pants!

Leopard is having a birthday party and he invites everyone except the Aardvark. He takes special care about everything related to his party. Everyone arrives on time but there is a gang of unexpected guests who have their own party at the party by sending their pants in the air. Any guesses who that might be and who came to help the leopard save his party?

22.Triangle by Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen

How can I not include this super funny book which Darwin enjoys so much. Triangle’s house is … well a triangle. One day he decides to play a sneaky trick on Square and goes to his house crossing all the shapes with names and no names. He does plays the sneaky trick to which Square replies

Oh me Oh my!

The mere mention of this (with voice modulation) makes Darwin laugh. Triangle plays a sneaky trick and the not so bright square chases after triangle. What did it do and how did it go is the remaining story. The illustration is super simple but engaging. We did an activity with magnetic tiles and was big success. It’s one of our all time favourite now.


23.Aai and I by Mamta Nainy

It is a wonderful story about Little girl Aadya waiting for her mom to return from the hospital. When her mom returns she tries to find her identity in her mom, who now smells different and looks different because of her short hair. She tries to convince her mom to cover her short hair with a cap or to wear a wig as she wants to hear her mom call her mini-me. How she finally makes herself look same as her aai is the remaining story. The illustrations bring the story to life and are very captivating.

To order this book or any other acclaimed book by Pickle Yolk Books, please be sure to use kbc’s Special Promo Code KBC50 to avail a discount of Rs. 50 on any book you purchase from the Pickle Yolk Books Shop (on their website)

24.The Tomato Thief by Niyatee Parikh Sharma

It is a good read and one you can totally relate to if you have grown something in your garden and waited for it to ripen only to find you have to be competitive enough with birds, monkeys and bats. When I read the book I remembered how much I used to wait for the guava to ripen only to find that either a sparrow or bat has already tasted it. After reading this book Darwin and myself had a good discussion about my experience and he immediately called his grandpa to confirm the story and every now and then he asks his grandpa about the little garden we have at my dad’s place. So in this book Veer is waiting for his tomato to ripen only to find that the tomatoes are stolen by a tomato thief. Who could it be?


25.Last Stop on Market Street by Matt De La Pēna and Christian Robinson

We all might have at least once had this question in mind ‘ Why don’t we have this, which a friend or relative has?’ And am sure at one point our kids will have the same question. CJ too wonders why he doesn’t have a car like his friend and keeps asking his Grandma the same questions, only to find that his grandma finds beauty in everything she sees and that not all are privileged. She makes him experience that it’s better to be happy with what we have than to worry about what we don’t.

26.Swimmy by Leo Lionni

We were introduced to Leo Lionni by Amardeep through It’s Mine! and Swimmy was reviewed by Kausar. I was not aware that Leo Lionni books were award winning books until I searched for book bingo. We have Leo Lionni Favourites: Six Classic stories collection. It has Tico and the Golden Wings , Swimmy, Fish is a fish , Alexander and the wind-up mouse, The biggest House in the world and Frederick.

Swimmy is a story about teamwork. And that being different is not bad. Staying hidden or in fear will only make us miss the beauty we are surrounded by. When Swimmy’s family and friends are eaten by Tuna how does he convince the remaining fishes to come out of hiding is the story.

27.When Sophie gets Angry – really really angry… By Molly Bang

Priyanka had introduced this book to the group. When taking turns goes wrong, Sophie explodes like a volcano and runs out of home. Well she’s really angry… How is she going to be normal again? It’s a good book to tell children that instead of saying hurtful things it’s okay to avoid the situation when you are angry and to think back and deal your anger. Because anger is not going to solve anything. When I bought the book, we read it together and after a few days Darwin used to count to ten whenever I was angry, I asked him who taught you this? He said it’s okay ma close your eyes and count to ten, avoid this situation like Sophie everything will be alright. Well we need to learn a lot from kids.

28.Freight Train by Donald Crews

Even though Darwin is interested to read about different topics now, trains and vehicles are still his favourite. This book by Donald Crews is one of his favorite as it names the different cars in a freight train and where it goes – through tunnels, by cities etc. and how fast it disappears.


29.My name is Yoon By Helen Recorvits and Gabi Swaitkowska

When Yoon’s family move to America from Korea, her father teaches her to write her name in English, but Yoon feels that her name looks happy in Korean and stands alone in English. The next day at school her teacher talks about cat and Yoon wishes to be a cat so that she can hide in a corner and her mother can find her and cuddle her. She also writes her name as cat. She wishes to be a bird and fly to Korea. She doesn’t feel belonged till one of her classmate tries to be friendly. The feeling of missing one’s country and the feeling of not belonging in the new place is well described in the story. And how a friend can make a new place likeable.

I was able to totally relate as Darwin would resist to go to nursery when his friend went on vacation and would happily be ready for nursery when she returned. A friend who makes you comfortable is very much needed.

30.The Girl and the Dinosaur by Hollie Hughes and Sarah Massini

Marianne is seen foraging in the sands of beach hoping to find dinosaur bones and is not seen playing with her friends. But she is very patient and finds bones and puts them together. Even names the bones. The story doesn’t end here, the girl and the dinosaur go on a magical adventure in the night and find many kids just like her.

This is one good book to teach kids about being patient and to pursue their dreams.

31.Emily Green’s Garden

Emily Green lived with her parents in a lovely house on a lovely street where people where always busy. Busy enough that they wouldn’t notice anything. One day while sweeping the pavement, she finds a sapling and wishes to grow it in her house. This one sapling grows into a garden and there is no more room left in her house to keep the plants so her parents tell her to get rid of the plants. When she steps out of the house she is surprised by how much the street has changed.

This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.


32.The Unboy boy by Richa Jha and Illustrated by Gautam Benegal

Gagan is a kind, gentle boy who loves to observe his environment and be friendly with other living things and is afraid of war and scary stories. Gagan’s family (except his mom) and his friends want to turn him into “Boy Boy” by making him play with guns, by hurting others or by not having his own favorite toys. So he asks his mom if he is not a boy? and is reassured by her that he is the loveliest and gentlest one. Is he satisfied with her answer? What will he do when in a situation where everyone is scared of dark ghost and vampires but still need help? Who will be the brave one?

I’m so fed up of some parents saying ‘oh he’s a boy he will grow up just fine on his own’ or when his cousin tells him ghost stories to prove that he’s a bigger boy than Darwin or encourages Darwin to use Gun or Arrow for playing and to hurt others. I really wish they could all allow kids to be kids and accept the fact that kindness is for everyone. Or that helping parents at home is normal. I’m glad Darwin is able to read this book and to have few discussions on such topics and was happy when he told me he got scared when he heard ghost stories.

To order this book or any other acclaimed book by Pickle Yolk Books, please be sure to use kbc’s Special Promo Code KBC50 to avail a discount of Rs. 50 on any book you purchase from the Pickle Yolk Books Shop (on their website)

33.The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch and Art by Michael Martchenko

Are you sick and tired of reading princess stories where she is waiting for a Prince Charming or to be rescued by a Knight? Then this is the story for you. Beautiful Princess Elizabeth is about to be married to Prince Ronald, when a dragon comes and takes away the prince (yup that’s right, the Prince is taken away) and burns the Castle. The princess is left with nothing and the only thing she can find is a paper bag. She dresses in the paper bag and starts her journey to rescue the Prince. Does she succeed? What was the Prince’s reaction to a Princess in Paper Bag?

34.Julian is a Mermaid By Jessica Love

Julian and his grandma are returning home when he sees three women dressed as mermaids. He imagines himself being a mermaid. Once he is home he dresses like a mermaid. What will his grandma say once she sees him? Will she accept him as he is? This book with very few words and gorgeous illustrations is a must have book on breaking gender stereotypes.

A SCHOLASTIC BOOKAll books published by Scholastic can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.

35.Scholastic Discover more Dinosaurs

A very informative book on dinosaurs. The images are so lovely that we just love to look at them for hours and hours. It gives details of this prehistoric creature and how the image of dinosaur is created, how fossil is formed and how paleontologist dig the fossils.

36.Hello Hedgehog Do You like my Bike

We just love acorn book series. Its fun to read with your kid. Darwin loves cycling. He still uses training wheel and he is eager to ride without training wheels. So this book is just perfect to address the issue. Hedgehog rides without training wheel but his friend doesn’t and is hesitant to ride the bike with training wheel in front of hedgehog. Its a good book to let your child try new ones and how not to belittle your friend just because he/she can’t do like you.

37.Be a Virus Warrior

This is a must have book in your library if you still haven’t. It teaches kids about virus and coronavirus and how to be safe from them. Perfect book to answer all the questions the little one have about virus and corona. How to wash your hands and how to germ-bust your home.

These books can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.


38.Weather and Storm with Zayn and Zoey

Zayn and Zoey, the twins are very curious, who ask various questions whenever they encounter new things, either in class or at Grandma’s farm or during a trip or at home. Weather and storms is a brilliant book to introduce different weather and related terminologies to your kid. Its not preachy but explains what is needed. A few things were new to me as well. I learned a lot while teaching to Darwin. It explains about lightning thunder, thunderstorms, cyclone, blizzard etc.

29.Zayn and Zoey Learn About Endangered Animals

Zayn and Zoey visit a tiger Reserve in India and they learn about endangered animals. The guide explains all details to the twins and asks riddle making it interesting for the kids and parent to guess the animals, which also makes reading interesting. As we read this book we were sad to know that the cute animals like Panda ,sea Otter , polar bear are endangered. Like all the books, this book too has activities at the end. Yes All Zayn and Zoey books have activities or craft.


40.Miles Kelly My Curious World

A perfect book for the ones who are very curious and wants to learn more. The colorful illustrations and the questions on first page before going into the topic wakes up the curiosity in the child. It covers all topics from space, dino, body, weather and many more. Darwin’s favorite page is the one that explains about carnivorous plants and the one on global warming.

41.DK All About Evolution by Robert Winston

Ok we named our kid after Charles Darwin so we are more interested in getting books related to Charles Darwin. And this one book answers all questions related to Charles Darwin’s journey on Evolution. This book starts off with the questions about life, how everything fits in places and how Charles Darwin started off his journey. It also has details about how Darwin studied the species and what difficulties he faced. Then the book moves on to Genetics and finally about Evolution. The pictures and activities and the way the details presented are really good. It’s a bit too much for my son Darwin so we read and discuss the page he is interested in.


42.Animal Explorers Lola the Plant Hunter by Sharon Rentta

Lola and her grandfather Reggie are staying in the Arctic. Grandpa Reggie was a famous plant hunter and Lola loves listening to Grandpa’s adventures. And he says that he was never able to find The Singing Orchid in Amazon rainforest. Listening to this Lola sets off on an adventurous journey to Amazon rainforest hoping to find the Singing Orchid.

43.Two Tough Trucks Get Lost! by Corey Rosen Schwartz and Rebecca J Gomez Illustrated by Hilary Leung

Mack and Rig are friends who decide to go to rugged ride park but go off track and both of them are lost and can’t find the other. It’s getting dark and both of them are worried about finding the other. Did they meet and get back to their parents?

This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.

44.A Little Bit Brave

A little bit brave by Nicola Kinnear is a story about two bunnies Luna and Logan. Luna is very adventurous where as Logan is very frightened to leave his house. After trying to convince Logan to go on adventure Luna gets upset and sets off by herself. Logan is worried about Luna being upset and gathers all the courage and gets brave and sets his foot out of his house. But how did he find Luna is a total adventure filled story.


45.Miles Kelly First Space Book

Miles Kelly Books are the first non-fiction book I bought for Darwin. The illustrations are very colorful which can hold the little ones attention for long. The facts and details are well explained with a lot of simple activities to do with your kid , which will explain the concepts better. This book also includes a solar system poster.

46.Scholastic Discover More Planets

If Miles Kelly is all about colorful illustration, then Scholastic Discover More Planets is all about images. Fascinating Pictures. A real view inside ISS. How Astronauts spend their day and time in ISS. An interview with one of the Astronaut. Space exploration time line.

This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.


47.Ramadan written by Hannah Eliot and Illustrated by Rashin

A colorfully illustrated book on Ramadan. It tells when and how Ramadan is celebrated. What is Iftar and Suhoor and how many days its celebrated. What do Muslims do while fasting and why do they fast. Best book to introduce Ramadan to your little one.

48.The Unicorns are coming to town

On Christmas Eve Santa’s reindeers visit the Unicorn Ice Spa and get pampered. They are leaving with jingly-Jangly Coat to Christmas town along with the unicorns from the Spa. Due the heavy jewels on reindeers coat they are not able to fly the sleigh. So they seek the help of Unicorns.

This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.



This is one of our favourite favourite favourite book. The story takes place in a village in Kerala. Ponnu is very forgetful, yes very much. How he forgets everything is so funny. One day he eats a delicacy and he rushes home trying to remember the name of the dish so that his wife Janaki can make the same at his home… Did Ponnu remember the name of the dish? Kerala and keralites life is beautifully illustrated in the book. The kerala saree, Auto, Back waters, boat, and plenty of coconut trees add details to the story. And the things Ponnu does to remember the name is so funny that kids will fall in love with the book. Darwin remembers coconut tree by the name of the book. Every time he sees one he will say this is Kozhukatta tree.

50.Thukpa For All

Tsering is returning home from gompa listening to the sounds around him. He invites everyone on the way to have his grandmother’s thukpa. Everyone arrive with vegetables and dough to make thukpa. Suddenly there is a power cut and everyone is worried how to prepare thukpa, that’s when Tsering offers to help. Why??? Well find out by reading this lovely book.

51.Machher Jhol

Machher Jhol by Richa Jha and Illustrated by Sumanta Dey is such a wonderful story. Kolkatta streets being described in the eyes of visually challenged boy, who sets off to get fish for his father. As he walks through the streets you will also walk along with him. Its also best the best book to introduce disability to a child. We had a lot of discussion on the topic and had to answer all the questions Darwin had.

To order this book or any other acclaimed book by Pickle Yolk Books, please be sure to use kbc’s Special Promo Code KBC50 to avail a discount of Rs. 50 on any book you purchase from the Pickle Yolk Books Shop (on their website)


52.Green, Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss

We were introduced to Dr.Seuss after joining KBC. We fell in love with his books instantly. Sam-I-am forces grumpy grouch to try green eggs and Ham. Oh Gosh! its green and who would like it? But imagine if this book can convince your kid to try green foods! Yes, that’s what happened with us, after we read this book, all I said to Darwin was Try Them Try Them and he would try it. This works magically for any issue let it be to color a picture or to try a new activity, you just need to say the magic words Try Them Try Them.

53.Farmer Falgu Goes to the Market by Chitra Soundar and Kanika Nair

Farmer Falgu sets off to market on his bullock cart with his eggs and vegetables to sell them. But due to unavoidable situation the eggs crack and then an idea strikes Falgu. To find out how he sold his goods, grab a copy and read this fun filled lovely book. This book holds a special place in my heart as the bullock carts remind me of the time Darwin spent with his great grandfather who told us about their detective skills of how they will identify which direction a bullock cart went by looking at the ground for spilled grains and based on wind directions. Even though Darwin was only 2 years when he heard the story, he got a chance to listen to it from his grand father while reading this book. Yes this was his bedtime read during last vacation, he used to read it with my dad and ask n number of questions and my dad used to share his childhood stories with him.

54.Usborne Look Inside Food

This book teaches about cultivation of paddy , wheat, fruits vegetables to how we get food from animals and sea. It doesn’t stop there it also tells us how the juice or chocolates are made and what is present in each food and how it helps us.


Thanks to KBC i came to know about bilingual book. Though English Tamil books are often unavailable, I was happy to grab a few two years back.

55.Help ! Help ! by Sandhya Rao

Help! Help! is a English Tamil book where an ant seeks help from other animals and human to rescue its kid who has fallen into the pond. But is shocked when an unexpected thing offers to help, that the ant falls into the pond too. How and who helps them to get out of water is the remaining story.

56.Where is Gola’s Home by Chitra Soundar and Illustrated by Priya Kurian

It is a story about animal habitat. Gola, a yak , is trying to find home. As it comes across different habitats, it gives reason why that habitat can’t be its home.


57.Together We Can

What a Book! That’s what I thought when I read this book. There is something in this book for adults to learn too. Being inclusive is very important. And as we all grow up we keep forgetting this. So this book will help our kids to be inclusive anywhere they go. It doesn’t matter if we speak same language or not, it doesn’t matter if your friend needs special gadgets or if we don’t like same things, together we can. Making friends is easy is what Together We can is all about. I’m reading this almost everyday to Darwin as he will be starting school and I want him to make a lot of friends. And this is a perfect one to tell him how to be inclusive.

This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.

58.Almost Anything by Sophie Henn

Kids tend to give up trying any new things after the first attempt, because they weren’t successful or simply because it looks scary. Whatever we say to encourage them may not work always. But what about a magic hat? Little bunny George is hesitant to try anything, he would say

‘But I Can’t’.

Seeing George, an Old bear call him and gives him a magic hat and asks George to try new things and give magic a chance. Such a wonderful book to encourage little ones to try something new and not give up.

59.The Book of Mistakes

It’s a wonderful book to talk to kids about mistakes and how to be bold enough to face them. Also about letting our imagination run free without worrying about the mistakes we might be making. While drawing a picture, one eye becomes bigger than the other, but its corrected with many ideas that the mistakes are no longer significant.

60.You are Enough

You are enough is a book about inclusion. Its inspired by Sofia Sanchez who has down’s Syndrome. Lovely words of inspiration for children to be inclusive of everyone.

Sometimes Things might seem nigger than you. But you are stronger than your fears. That’s why you have courage.

This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.


61.The New Neighbours by Sarah McIntyre

Sarah McIntyre books are our favorite ever since we read Dinosaur Firefighters by Scholastic Inc. This book New Neighbours is fun riot. This is Darwin’s travel companion now, wherever we go he brings this and finds it very funny. In a high rise apartment, the rabbits hear about new neighbours moving in. Rats! Each animal has a different views about Rats like smelly, dangerous, thieves etc about rats and they all hop, trot, totter, and tumble downstairs to tell the rats about their rules. Are they really like how they feared? Who are the other animals and how were their houses? This is a good one to teach kids about welcoming a new neighbour and how not to be judgmental about someone.

62.The Giant Jumperee by Julia Donaldson

Julia Donaldson is our all time favorite author. We keep adding her books to the collection. The Giant Jumperee was suggested by Asha when Achira had asked a query regarding loud noise. I had wish listed this book as Darwin too was facing similar issue when it comes to raised tones. One day as rabbit returns to his burrow he hears a booming voice coming from his burrow

I am giant Jumperee and I am as scary as can be.

Rabbit seeks help from his friends Cat, Bear and Elephant who are all terrified of Jumperee now. Who is the Giant Jumperee that even the elephant is so scared? The sound and the person making the sound may not be as scary as it sounds is what I told Darwin to help him whenever he gets scared of loud noises especially when talking.


63.The Smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler

Axel Scheffler is one of our favorite Illustrator. Giants are mostly portrayed as scary, cruel monsters in stories. But George is smart and the kindest giant in town. He goes to buy new clothes as he looks shabby in his old ones. After getting new clothes he meets other animals who needs help and George doesn’t hesitate and gives them his new clothes. A very good book to teach kids about being kind and sharing.

64.Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen

After Axel Scheffler, Jon Klassen is our favourite illustrator. We have Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen Square, Triangle and Circle book for the simple illustration and super funny story. This book extra yarn by the duo is another favourite. One cold afternoon Annabelle finds a box filled with yarn of every color. She takes it home and starts to knit herself a jumper. She has some extra yarn and starts to knit a jumper for her dog, there is still some extra yarn left so she starts to knit something warm for everyone in the town. An Archduke learns about the extra yarn and asks to buy the box from her, but Annabelle refuses to sell it. So he assigns three robbers to rob it from Annabelle. But when the Archduke opens the box what did he see?

65.You Choose by Nick Sharratt and Pippa Goodhart

I am grateful to Amardeep in many ways, one is for introducing this awesome book in the group. Such an interactive book that Darwin and myself like to make up stories and many times we team together to choose and leave daddy out or snatch everything he chooses. 100s of possibilities to make up a story ,discuss and to cheer up the little champ.


66.After the Fall

After the fall by Dan Santat is a wonderful book even for adults to stay strong and to get back up on our feet. This is something we strongly believe as well. My husband always say this to me whenever I face any issue in something I’m doing. He will say

There is no fun in not falling at all, to get up after the fall and continue the journey is what’s important.

So when the book was introduced in KBC group I knew we had to get it for Darwin. We all know that Humpty Dumpty fell from the wall, but what next? Yes he was scared of the wall again. What really happened and did he over come his fear? If we wish we can overcome any situation like humpty.

67.Blown Away by Rob Biddulph

Have you seen a penguin train in the sky? How about Polar Bear too? They can’t fly? Oh no you have heard it wrong because Penguin blue and his friends are flying all the way from Antarctica to a jungle. How did they fly and how will they get back home is the story of blown away.


68.Waiting is not Forever by Elizabeth Verdick

‘Can you wait for sometime? or please wait’ That’s the most unpleasant thing for a child to do when they believe everything happens in a blink of eye. So how to explain to them that we don’t always wait and that its only temporary? While I wanted to teach Darwin the concept of waiting using I’ll Wait Mr.Panda (recommended by our group for book on waiting), it felt like I have to wait forever for the book to be available, that’s when i decided to get Elizabeth Verdick’s book and similar to her other books this book too helped in explaining to Darwin What we can do while waiting and what are the things we need to wait for and for how long? So now when we wait at an restaurant or at a traffic signal, he just starts to play by himself or just by reminding him ‘Waiting is’ will calm him.

69.Screen time is not forever by Elizabeth Verdick

In this busy online world its impossible to keep a child free from screen (It includes video chat with grand parents or with a parent who is away for work). ‘Everyday you get half an hour screen time (this is excluding the time we get to video chat with family)’ I know its difficult to make a child understand this concept. Screen time is not forever helps address that issue as the book explains what other things we can do without screen and how to limit screen time. Why gadgets more like mobile or tab are not allowed in bedroom and how it affects the sleep is explained in simple way. Do’s and Don’t while using a gadget and online safety rules in the book help the child to use mobile or computer safely. Now Darwin has half an hour TV time with an alarm set and he knows when the alarm sounds he needs to switch off TV and continue with his play or sit with mommy to read a book.

70.How full is your Bucket? for Kids

If I start thanking Amardeep, writing N number of articles is not even enough, because she has filled all our buckets by sharing many lovely books that I only think of her when I see the book I bought based on her suggestion. How full is your bucket is one such book. Lets all say we have an imaginary bucket over our head, and each time we hurt others , the bucket gets empty , how do we feel now? Great or grumpy? so how to fill it? How to feel good? its an imaginary one so filling with tap water is not possible? We need to be kind and help others. I always tell D to be kind with others as you are a good boy but to implement is something different. After we read this book, we always say please don’t empty your bucket and please don’t empty mine too. Lets feel great by filling our buckets.

71.A boy like Me by Stephanie O’Connor

A boy like me is a wordless picture book. It is about a boy and his family, how they relocate to a new place when their house gets bombed. And how their life unfolds as a refugee. How it feels to be homeless and even after they find a home to stay, the insecurity remains. Whenever we take this book we have a lot of discussion on war, natural calamity, why they are going to new places and how to help them. We also discuss about how to feel happy with what we have and to always remember not to waste any of the resources we have, as these are privilege tor many.


72.Who Pooed in my loo ?

Who pooed in my loo? is a story about a boy who finds something in the loo in the morning and tries to figure out who did that? Could it be a Unicorn or lion or elf? Find out the funny things he imagines before finding out whose Poo is that…

This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.

73.Ron the Royal Guard

Ron is the Royal Guard looking after the Royals. He stands still and is present in almost all selfies. But one day there’s an emergency and he needs help. What could it be and who helped him?

This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.

74.The SUSU Pals!

The Susu Pals is not the typical potty/loo humour book but if your kid is just like mine who on the mention of loo/Poo/Potty will laugh then please go for it. Because it has chaddis, susu pals, new friends takeover and the old friends getting united. and so much fun ideas for play too… Oh one is for you to play I spy a little boy in almost all pages.

Should you wish to buy this book or any book from Pickle Yolk Books, please feel free to use our Special Promo Code KBC50 to avail a discount of Rs. 50 on any book you purchase from the Pickle Yolk Books Shop (on their website).


75.SAY ZOOP by Herve Tullet

Say Zoop is an very interactive playful book in very Herve Tullet style. But only difference is this time we are not just pressing and mixing colors, you have to make your little ones say OH! Ah! and Waahoo !!! Yay funny right … Darwin just keeps repeating this book once we start reading and asking to take turns with his dad or myself. I know we feel really silly to make those sounds but he enjoys it so much when we make those sounds.

76.Ketchup on your cornflakes by Nick Sharratt

It is a perfect mix match book to teach what goes with what to your child. Right from Ketchup to woolly hat.

77.Peppa Pig Flip Flap Peppa

It is a dress-up mix-match book. You can make up various combinations or ask you kid to match to the right one. This book was chosen by Darwin so he loves to play with it once in a while… His favorite being Peppa the Explorer and Fire fighter

78.Splat by Jon Burgerman

We loved Rhyme Crime by Jon Burgerman, hence we went ahead and purchased one more book by him and this one is really funny. Illustrations are very colorful and funny. Lets get ready to Splat Splash and Squash wooooshhhh…


79.The Germ Academy by Rea Malhotra Mukhtyar

A great book to make your kids fall in love with washing hands and to follow hygiene routine. Darwin just loves this one and remembers to wash his hands once he enters home after returning from an outing. He became so playful with Soap squad that I had to hide the soap from him now he complains me he will not be able to fight germs which graduate from the academy as mamma has hidden the Soap Squad. And insists on retuning him his Han’ D Wash.

80.Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book

The best book to read because both you and your child can’t resist sleeping before you finish it. It all starts with a yawn, I know yawn is contagious, so I pretend to yawn when I read the book and Darwin starts to feel sleepy. So with all the funny names and the audio-Telly-o-Tally-o counter counting the number of people sleeping your little one will sleep in no time. Darwin says its so funny how you read the book. Yaaaaawn… Feeling Sleepy zzzzz already !!!

81.Scrambled Eggs Super!

Peter T.Hooper shares his adventurous tale of how he made his Scrambled eggs Super-Dee-Dooper-dee-Booper, Special de Luxe a-la-Peter T Hooper. He just feels that scrambled eggs tastes same since its made from a hen’s egg and goes in search of other kinds of eggs. Fun read guaranteed as the names of different places and birds are very different and funny.


82.The Grand Chapati Contest By Asha Nehemiah

This is the only hook book I have and every time I read the title and author’s name Darwin will ask is it Asha Aunty’s book referring to Asha Chaudhry of KBC. The king who is never bothered about any thing is worried only when his chapati is not Soft Fluffy and puffy. When his chapati cook quits and the queen is too busy to make one for him. She decides to hold a Grand Chapati Contest. Meena a little girl is sure her mom would win it, as she feels her mom makes the softest fluffiest and puffiest chapati. On the day of the contest she is not so sure of winning after she sees butterfly shaped, carrot colored and many other varieties of chapatis. Who will win the contest and become the King’s Chapati cook?


83.The Mystery of the Strange Paw Prints By Sonia Mehta

This is one of the books from Econuts Series by Sonia Mehta. Five children come to know about strange paw prints from NEWS. They try to identify the paw print and study about the animal and why it strayed from its path. They decide to help the animals by stopping the highway construction. So they seek one of the econuts cousin and he is ready to help them. How did he help and did they succeed ? After reading this book Darwin wanted to know why the animal strayed from its path what will happen when a highway is built. So we discussed that animal habitat gets disturbed and they won’t be able to get food. Now whenever we go on highway which is surrounded by desert he will say ‘Ma why have they built such a big highway and why do they have fence ? What will the camel do? How will they get food? ‘

84.The Miracle on Sunderbaag Street By Nandita Da Cunha and Illustrated by Priya Kuriyan

Zara meets Ms. Gappi in the dump yard of Sunderbaag Street and learns that it once was a garden. She decides to re-open the garden and seeks the help of community members. Patiently they wait and regrow a beautiful garden.

85.Oi! Get Off our Train by John Burmingham

A boy and his dog set off in their train to have picnic and they encounter many endangered animals and bird who ask the boy to allow them to board the train. The best part is the animals tell the boy the reason why they will become extinct.

Someone is coming to cut off my tusks and soon there will be none of us left.

86.The Trouble with Dragons

Dragons make dragons and they start spreading all over the place, they start consuming all the natural resources, they make mess after playing and don’t clean up. They even chop down the forest and make holes in atmosphere and the snow starts to melt. Now the world is covered either with water or sand so all other living creatures start to leave and that’s when dragons realize what they have done. Now instead of dragons imagine its human, aren’t we doing the same? what an awesome book to introduce the topic of global warming to kids.


As part of #KBCReadcycle 2021 we were able to make some new friends and had fun gifting books to each other. We too received some awesome books from other kbcmembers and childoos.

87.Where are you From? by Yamile Saied Mendez and Jaime Kim

Identity and feeling belonged are big issues we face when we move to new country and new culture. Many a times kids may feel left out. Where are you From? is a must have book especially if you are moving outside India. The book starts with a little girl (South American) happily going to school , but everyone she knows ask her the same question

Where are you from?

which makes her feel left out. So she asks her abuelo for an answer. What did he say to her? Was she convinced ? Did she find the answer?

88.Norman The Slug with The Silly Slug by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet

Norman , the slug , sees the snail having lot of fun and wants to be part of that. When he is rejected because he doesn’t have shell, that is what Norman is determined to find. The perfect shell. Did he find the shell and did he join the snails in their fun is remaining fun filled story. It teaches the child not to loose hope and to try again. Well Norman didn’t…

Happy Reading!!!

[Note from Team Kids Book Café: For your convenience, affiliate links (MARKED IN PINK) to some of the book titles & images have been added to enable you to buy the books from AMAZON, should you wish to! A very small amount of money comes to when you purchase a book via the amazon affiliate link provided (at absolutely no extra cost to you!). Do let us know if you need information about other children’s books by writing to]

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