In the second instalment of The Hidden Children series, the author takes us back to explore the profound friendship between four friends who are standing at the crossroads of their lives once again.
Category: Tween Books
True to Anushka Ravishankar’s style, the book is funny and informative. Vaccines by Smartypants helps you explain vaccines to the curious cats in your home in the simplest way possible.
Luxmi has never thought much about the prospect of Indian independence. She and her twin, Bhola live in a small village with their Nani and her cousins. But Dak Chacha’s visit to the house gets her thinking.
Participating in KBC Book Bingo is akin to preparing a home for a joyous celebration.
The story starts with the reader getting introduced to Rabia and her cat observing the world, as she questions everything around her. Reflecting her own desires and her quest to seek answers, when asked to draw a scientist, she draws a woman-scientist. But who ever knew of a woman-scientist?
Wayel Kati: The Quest Of The Seven Guardians by Linthoi Chanu delves into the mythical folklore of the hills and the valleys of Manipur. A composition of various traditional folktales – their characters are set in a world of Good vs Evil.