In the concealed realm of Kallua, where everyone wields magic, Rohini resides in Yuvnagar, oblivious to her own abilities until a shimmering revelation piques her curiosity.
Category: Tween Books
The recipes in this book are healthy, tasty and super easy to make! The author, Varad, was 7 years old at the time this book was published.
Do you think Bharathi can make his way to a ‘ladies only’-‘residents only’ ‘Kolam Kontest’? Read this fun filled book to know Bharathi’s high-risk plan and how close this can get him to his longing of winning a grand dinner for his parents.
Grade II is going on a class trip to Mysore, however, Mahalaxmi’s parents refuse to send her as they find the expense “unnecessary”. Ira comes up with an idea to help Mahalaxmi.
This compact royal blue hardcover book promises and delivers brilliant episodes of Dr. Kalam’s life. Each page in this Collector’s Edition is brimming with details of Dr. Kalam’s phenomenal life.
The book starts with Malhar, bored during the summer holidays and seeking adventure. The adventure presents itself when the Shenoys have a robbery in their house.