The book revolves around the adventures of Siliguri – a talented young ghost and his human friend, Kachori – a ghostbuster!
Category: Middle Readers
When 12 year old Muniya learns that she is adopted, she embarks on a quest to find her birth parents.
A dinosaur dug out from the backyard of an apartment in Bangalor!? Someone trying to sabotage their apartment’s chances of winning the model apartment contest. Someone is stealing books from a bookshop. Is there another flat in the apartment that’s haunted? A marathon runner is missing.
Here is our list of some of the illustrated, early chapter books (average length 120 pages) that we have loved in the past few months.
Paro is a little mudskipper who is lost in the mangroves. While she is an amphibious fish, she cannot stay away from water for a long time. To top it, she does not have legs which makes her journey back home even more difficult.
The content by Smartypants is broken down beautifully into bite-sized chunks which can be easily assimilated by anyone.