Apr 042023

The writer tells a captivating story of a young boy who grew up in extreme poverty and hopelessness, and of his eventual rise as a leader known as Bhagwan Birsa. He not only united all the Mundas, who referred to themselves as Birsaites, but instilled a sense of fear in the British so deep, that they had to gather all their forces to try and capture him.

Jan 302023

Mindful Mindlessness of Maithili and Minotaur [Review]

Whoever collects the most eesals, would get to do what they liked for one day. They know better than to step inside the deep forests, but Maithili knows that if they step inside, with the abundance of eesals there, they would win easily. Even if they all know it’s an idea that has not been thought through, with much reluctance, Minotaur, Wolfhoud and Nagesh agree. After all, what could go wrong?
Unfortunately, everything does.