Jun 282023
Anidampurva’s Incredible Thirty for #kbcBookBingoToddler (0-4 years)
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This entry for KBC book bingo 2023 is on behalf of 3 year old Anidampurva. This is an amazing bingo and has made us realise what a vast variety of books we have enjoyed reading this summer. We hope you will all enjoy going through our list as much as we have making it.

  1. A yellow coloured book – Llama Glamarama by Simon James Green and Garry Parsons
    • This is a book about a llama named Larry who loves dancing, but only dances in secret at night because “llamas weren’t supposed to dance!” He’s afraid that if his friends found out, they would not like it. When they do find out one night, Larry makes a run for it. The story takes us through what sets Larry free from his fear. Through a fun story, the author addresses the deeply ingrained desire a majority of us have to conform to societal expectations.

      This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.
  2. Leaf or flower on the cover – Zayn & Zoey Which Season Is It?
    • This Zayn & Zoey board book talks about different seasons and shows what Zayn, Zoey and their friends do on a typical day in each season. It has cool pictures of what the outdoors look like in different seasons.

  3. A book with siblings – My Brother by Anthony Browne
    • Everything about this book is adorable. A little boy finds his big brother really cool (sometimes)! The pages are filled with great pictures of all the cool stuff his brother does – skateboarding, drawing amazing pictures, writing brilliant stories, standing up to bullies… (PRETTY cool stuff!). And guess what? The little boy is cool too. 
  4. A book that features mom – Amma Ekkada Undi? (translated to Telugu from Where is Amma?) by Nandini Nayar; Pictures by Srividya Natarajan
    • We bought this book when Anidampurva was learning to say the names of different rooms in the house, so it immediately clicked with him. Srividya Natarajan’s pictures in this book are so relatable to Indian households and have made this book really easy to get hooked to. The story is about a boy named Kiran who can’t find Amma anywhere and goes searching for her in all the places he would usually see her. The story is light, funny and endearing.
  5. A book that features dad – I Am Perfectly Designed by Karamo Brown
    • A very relatable book for Anidampurva, because he and his father do a lot of things featured in this book. Narrated by the little boy, the book is about conversations between the boy and his father as they take a stroll through the city. The conversation is natural, peaceful and affirming.
  6. A bedtime book – Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown; Pictures by Clement Hurd
    • All the beauty in this classic bedtime book is in the lovely rhyming text that can be sung, just like a lullaby. The book talks about, and then says goodnight to, a great green room and all the things in it. It is so natural that I am sure everyone who owns this book has extended the text to include things around them (goodnight fan, goodnight light… sleep well all through the night!!).
  7. Lift the flap book – Where is Baby’s Belly Button? By Karen Katz
    • This book is most suited for 1-2 year olds, and is the perfect way to introduce body parts. This is Anidampurva’s first lift the flap book and also his first by Karen Katz. Though he has read others afterwards, this is his favourite. He now tries to read it to his little brother (who enjoys tearing the flaps, but that’s a different story)!
  8. A cat book – Kadiley Topi (translated to Telugu from A Live Hat) by Nikolai Nosov
    • A mischievous cat manages to get himself under a hat and frightens two boys who only see the hat on the floor moving all by itself! This is a funny story about how the boys tackle the scary hat…!
  9. A book by Debi Gliori – The Boy and The Moonimal
    • The book is about a boy whose parents buy him a stuffed animal that he names Moonimal. He loves it and hugs it tight, and they become inseparable. But one day, Boy loses Moonimal in a forest. The Moonimal is picked up by rabbits, then an owl, is swept away by a river and wanders around with Mountain Kings. But the Moonimal always feels lonely with no one to give tight hugs. Moonimal misses Boy and has no hope of being found by him again… The misadventures of Moonimal may seem gloomy at some parts and may need to be toned down for toddlers.
  10. A book on first experiences – Little Owl’s First Day by Debi Gliori; illustrated by Alison Browne
    • This book is about Little Owl who is starting school. The story shows how Little Owl is reluctant to wake up to go to school, how he is apprehensive to leave his mother and little brother, how he constantly thinks of them while at school, how he imagines them doing many fun things without him, how he makes friends and finally has fun at school. The pictures are spellbinding and have left us looking at them for minutes at a stretch. For almost a fortnight when Anidampurva was having the “school blues”, he would read “the owl book” first thing in the morning.
  11. A book that makes you giggle – There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly by Stuart Lynch
    • Why would the old lady swallow a fly?! Well, to see if it tasted like blueberry pie, of course. But the fly made her uncomfortable, so to get rid of it, she swallowed a spider. This is only the beginning of all kinds of things that the old lady swallowed. A funny book with equally funny pictures, just a glance at the old lady on the cover is enough to crack Anidampurva up. He has just started to appreciate humour in books and has understood that what this book shows is not real and is just for laughs.

      This book and all other books by the same author can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.
  12. A book about a day out with family – Zayn & Zoey Explore Modes of Transport
    • Zayn and Zoey are visiting cousins with their mother, and they are travelling by train for the very first time. They learn about public and private transport vehicles, and a very important lesson about why using public transport is better. As the train takes them past fields and construction sites, their mother talks about other kinds of vehicles – emergency, farm, and construction. They also learn about air and water transport vehicles. An engaging book that also has a couple of activity pages at the end.

  13. A book on big emotions – Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller; Illustrated by Jen Hill
    • An extremely thoughtful and thought provoking book at the same time. It talks about a little girl who sees that her friend is embarrassed and upset after spilling grape juice over herself in class. When everyone laughs, the little girl remembers what her mother tells her and tries to do something kind for her friend. She empathises with her friend, tries to say something nice to lift her mood, fails, and thinks of all the little kind things one can do for others. The book shows how sometimes, just sitting quietly with an upset person and letting the big emotions take their course is enough.
  14. A book that was helpful in addressing an issue – The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
    • This gem of a book has been serving us in so many ways since Anidampurva was about a year old. It is about the journey of a caterpillar from egg to butterfly. It shows what the caterpillar eats, how it cocoons itself (‘cocoon’ is the first big English word Anidampurva learned), and how it finally turns into a beautiful butterfly. This book is now helping us with the ‘always want to have snacks’ phase. We keep reading about how the caterpillar ate everything all at once and then fell ill, which dissuades Anidampurva from reaching for the snacks cupboard two minutes after a meal!
  15. A book you love for the illustrations – The Squirrels who Squabbled by Rachel Bright and Jim Field
    • A fun, quirky story about two squirrels Bruce and Cyril, who couldn’t be more different from each other. There’s only one pine cone and each wants it for himself, but the pine cone is falling and rolling away. Bruce and Cyril are scampering after it, chasing it, and not letting the other reach it first. The pictures have fantastic detail and the scenery through which Bruce and Cyril chase the pine cone is so beautiful, it’s almost surreal. The pictures of the chase and waterfall actually give an  illusion of movement.
  16. A book by an Indian author – Jokhu Bhayankaramaina Bhayam (translated to Telugu from Jokhu and the Big Scare) by Priyadarshini Gogoi; Pictures by Debasmita Dasgupta
    • A very scary jokhini, a demon called Jokhu lives in the bamboo forest and scares anyone who passes through. Everyone is scared of her, even the other demons. But when a little girl is not only NOT SCARED, but IGNORES Jokhu, she loses her prominence among demons and has an identity crisis. The story is fun and has an unexpected turn in the end.
  17. A book that has food in the title – Thatha’s Pumpkin by Lalita Iyer; Illustrated by Proiti Roy
    • Thatha has brought home a huge pumpkin he grew in his field so he can make halwa for Tia’s birthday. But who can eat so much halwa? So Patti and Tia share the pumpkin with neighbours. The news of the juicy pumpkin has spread and everyone comes asking for a piece of it; finally almost nothing is left for thatha’s halwa and he’s upset! But Tia finds a way. The story talks about sharing in a very subtle, non preachy way.
  18. A book with a stuffed animal – Dino book (cloth book)
    • This was a gift to Anidampurva’s little brother, but Anidampurva loves it more because it has his favourite dinosaur – the Triceratops. Each page has a different dinosaur in a different material/texture, so it’s fun to touch them. It also has a cool maze game.
  19. A book that teaches an important lesson – Two Tough Trucks by Corey Rosen Schwartz and Rebecca J. Gomez; Illustrated by Hilary Leung
    • Trucks Mack and Rig are starting truck school. Mack is fast and fiery, while Rig is slow and worried. Their teacher teams them up with each other for three driving tasks. The story shows what it means to be a team. It also shows that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses and that it’s not ok to chide someone over their weaknesses.
  20. Grown up’s favourite book in the house – How Full is Your Bucket? For Kids by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer
    • This book has heaps of positive reviews and it deserves them all. It talks about empathy and kindness using the metaphor of a bucket of water. It explains tough concepts in an easy-to-understand way. The boy Felix in the book understands how he could make someone happier or ‘fill their bucket’ by being kind to them, while harsh words could upset someone or ‘empty their bucket’.
  21. A hand-me-down book you are attached to – The Magic School Bus – In the Arctic: A Book About Heat from Scholastic
    • The Magic School Bus needs no introduction. This one is about an arctic adventure, where the kids learn about heat and insulation. As always, Ms. Frizzle and the bus have pretty neat tricks up their sleeves. One of my favourite series growing up, I’m glad my mother saved this book that once belonged to my brother and me. Anidampurva is fascinated about how the bus grows skis and tractor treads in the place of wheels!

      This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.
  22. A book you tore – I Am A Tractor from Scholastic
  23. A book you have carried to bed and slept with – The Water Cycle with Zayn & Zoey
    • A good book to explain the water cycle to kids. It explains evaporation and condensation using pictures. I introduced this book to Anidampurva to help him understand the importance of using water judiciously and not wasting it. He could easily understand how clouds are formed, how rainwater seeps into the ground and how plants use ground water. It has been one of his favourites over this summer.

  24. A book written in rhyme (not nursery rhymes) – Brian the Smelly Bear by Mark Chambers
    • A fun book about Brian, a bear who doesn’t bathe and still thinks he’s clean, but his friends are the ones suffering from his stink. So they plan a mission to make Brian bathe. Animal characters are always hits with kids. Add to it the attractive pictures and interesting story written in rhyming text, this book easily becomes a hit.

  25. A book your grandparent read to you – My First Library from Wonder House books
    • This set was one of Anidampurva’s first and he hasn’t completely outgrown it yet. A set of board books with bright, full page pictures, perfect for little toddlers of 1-2 years.
  26. A book that has food stains on it – Bigger and Bigger Wheels from Milly and Flynn
    • This one was a house favourite for a long time. The pictures, the story, the text all work wonders together, not to mention how attractive it looks on the outside. It not only introduces different vehicles, but does so using a cute story with Billy on his bicycle at the end (don’t want to spoil it for you!)

      This book can be ordered from Scholastic India via our kbc storefront as well. Scholastic India always has special offers on.
  27. A book given to you so mom/dad could have tea in peace! – Zayn & Zoey Transport Activity Book
    • The book has lots of fun activities that can engage even older children. Matching, colouring, maze puzzles, sticker activities and more will keep those busy bodies engaged for quite a while.

  28. A book by Wonder house – Pick & Paint Dinosaurs Coloring Activity Book
    • Wonder House has many books in the pick & paint series. You just need a paint brush and water. Each page already has a colour palette along with a picture to paint.
  29. A book that you gift often – The Wonderful Things You Will Be by Emily Winfield Martin
    • This book is for children and adults alike. It affirms that children can choose to do and be whatever and they like and it is okay. They may have difficult days and it is okay. It shows that every child is different and likes different things and it is all okay.
  30. A book you got from kbc recommendations – Tractor convertible book from Miles Kelly
    • If it’s not already evident from this list, Anidampurva likes anything on wheels. So when I was looking for a gift for his third birthday, I found this series recommendation on KBC called CONVERTIBLES by Miles Kelly and nothing could be more perfect. It’s a book that is a play mat that also converts into a sit-in tractor. Such fun! When he’s not sitting in the tractor and driving it, Anidampurva drives his toy tractor along the road that farmer Bob takes from his field to his home, and then parks it in farmer Bob’s garage!

ADDED BY ASHA LATER ON: Some more books Kimeera has shared with us include

Mama, Do You Love Me? for 5-6 years (32 pages)

This book is as much for me as it is for the kiddos. It tells how a mother can be disappointed, angry, worried or sad with the things her children do, but she will never stop loving them. The characters in the book are Inuit, so it is full of Inuit references. For me, this adds a mystical aura that makes me forget everything else whenever I read this book. And deep down, I think it also addresses my own fears.

[Note from Team Kids Book Café: For your convenience, affiliate links (MARKED IN PINK) to some of the book titles & images have been added to enable you to buy the books from AMAZON, should you wish to! A very small amount of money comes to kidsbookcafe.com when you purchase a book via the amazon affiliate link provided (at absolutely no extra cost to you!). Do let us know if you need information about other children’s books by writing to asha@kidsbookcafe.com.]

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