I am posting this on behalf of Divit and Advit’s Babi (that’s what they call their Dad) for the #kbcADayWithDaddy contest.

As I try to look behind hard,
Trying to find a memorable day,
My mind struggles to find one,
I worry if I will have anything to say!
It’s not that there is not a single day,
Where me and my gang has had fun,
But that challenging thing for an old man like me,
Is to find and write about the “one”
And as my recollections fail me,
My better half is both amused and dazed,
Do I spend enough time with my sons,
Is a question that is now being constantly raised!
Well me and my two kiddos,
Have had adventures of our own,
We have played in lovely beaches, play areas and parks,
But it seems likely a silly idea to make the details known.
To me, they are my world,
And you don’t remember your world for a single memory
It is each of my moments with them which refresh me,
And that my friends is my story.
To see my elder one play chess effortlessly,
To play ball with him inside home after a day gone terribly bad,
To hear him play his piano,
Cheers me up even if I am meant to be sad!

To see my younger one be the Hulk and Balram,
To see him jump and roll (even though we miss a beat),
To see him smile innocently,
Cheers me up like a wonderful treat.

So as I try to look behind hard,
Trying to find a memorable day,
I realize each day is one
And I won’t have it any other way!!
Wishing all a very happy father’s day!