Dec 292023
Uncontrollable – where fiction intertwines with poetry [Review]
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Title: Uncontrollable
Author: Varsha Seshan
Illustrator: Isha Nagar
Publication: Duckbill, an imprint of Penguin Random House
Type: Paperback
No. of pages: 242
Genre: Fiction/Poetry
Age Group: 8 years+ (the publisher recommends it for 10 years+)

Delving into this new genre where fiction intertwines with poetry, I’m thrilled to present our review of this book. Initially, I’ll share our combined review and then share the perspective of my daughter M, an enthusiastic 11-year-old reader, followed by my perspective as bonus points toward the conclusion. We hope you find this review enjoyable and insightful.

Imagine a world where children are torn from their homes, discarded like empty shells, drained of their essence by a merciless Machine that hungers for power. Secrets upon secrets shroud this reality—a place unknown to twelve-year-old Rohini, whose mother, a magician, harbors her own enigmatic truths.

In the concealed realm of Kallua, where everyone wields magic, Rohini resides in Yuvnagar, oblivious to her own abilities until a shimmering revelation piques her curiosity.

As Rohini unveils her dormant powers, she discovers her mother’s peril in Kallua, prompting her to journey to this uncharted land with fellow Uncontrollables, peers struggling to tame their diverse superpowers like telepathy, forging, and shapeshifting. Their struggle against ‘The Machine,’ an entity that siphons powers, leaving hollow husks behind, unveils a mysterious saga.

Rohini’s quest intensifies as she strives to rescue her mother from the clutches of The Machine while unraveling her own supernatural gifts. This book beckons to those intrigued by mystery and the supernatural, offering a gripping narrative set across the mystical realms of Yuvnagar and Kallua.

What M likes in particular:

  1. She finds the relatable character traits of the tween characters particularly appealing.
  2. Despite not favoring poetry, the fusion of verse with fiction intrigued her, adding depth to the reading experience.
  3. She enjoyed the narrative’s swift pace, propelled by the concise sentences.
  4. The captivating book cover by Isha Nagar captivated her attention, holding as much mystique as the story itself.

My perspective:

  1. I appreciated the innovative blend of fiction and poetry. This genre could serve as a gateway to engage children not typically drawn to poetry. In fact, this was the first verse-based book that M devoured in a single sitting.
  2. The layout, concise sentences, and strategic use of white space create a visually comfortable reading experience for the audience.
  3. The succinct sentences, strategic utilization of white space, and sentence structuring lend a poetic ambiance, yet occasionally, it felt more like spaced-out short dialogues.
  4. This book doesn’t entirely embody traditional ‘poetic’ style, but rather explores an experimental approach. Perhaps this deviation aims to propel the narrative forward—opting for a less ornate verse to maintain momentum within the fiction.

Overall, we enjoyed this fresh take over fiction and look forward to more such books in such ‘fusion’ genres.

NEW RELEASE SEPT 2024: FISHBOWL: A story written in verse, showcases grief and finding a way to heal for 11 years+ (288 pages)

If you enjoyed this review and wish to buy the book from Amazon (kbc affiliate link),


Disclaimer: We got this book as part of #kbcReviewerSquad and we feel happy and privileged to be part of it as we are free to have our opinions and give an honest review of the book.

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