Aug 182020
The Amazing Trip to the Zoo #kbcKaadooMonkeyTales
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This story has been written by my son RK, who is 7 years old, for the #kbcKaadooMonkeyTales Contest.

In the morning, we all woke up and got ready to go to the zoo. I was excited to go on a fun outing with my Mom, Dad and Nani. When we reached the zoo, we first went to feed the giraffes. I was getting too scared to feed them, because I thought they would bite me. The other animals we saw were white tigers across the river, lions in the den, cheetahs, kangaroos and crocodiles.

When we were having lunch, we saw a peacock walking around in the restaurant. It just passed my chair. It was green and blue and was looking around for food.

Then we left to see the elephant show. The elephants splashed water around and even at the audience but I didn’t get wet.

After that, we left to the reptile house. There, I saw a cobra. I got frightened because I thought it would poison me. There was something like a glass bubble where you could see a snake or any small reptile slithering or crawling over the glass bubble. Later we left the reptile house and headed for the bird show. All types of birds landed on my arm. We had seen parrots, flamingos, toucans and other birds. Last we went to the penguin’s home. I was so shocked to see penguins. I thought I would only see penguins in cold places.  We played with the penguins.

It was time to go home. We all had so much of fun. We wished we did not have to go but we had to.

The End. Thank you.

ADDED BY Team Kids Book Café – 20 of our kbc members won wonderful prizes from Kaadoo Games. Since then we have been Kaadoo’s Community Partners! Here is an EXCLUSIVE OFFER ONLY FOR OUR KBC MEMBERS! If you would like to grab any board game from Kaadoo Games – simply go to the kaadoo website here  and USE DISCOUNT CODE KBC30 to avail a 30% discount!


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